Estratab (estrogens, esterified) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Estratab (estrogens, esterified)

Side Effects forestratab (estrogens, esterified) - User Comments


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My neurologist told me that I could actually take this drug on an as needed basis for my break through head pain and migraines, since I am taking Cymbalta as a preventative. I have taken 200 mg's twice for acute occipital nerve pain and migraine and am thrilled to say it helped drastically both times within the hour! The neurologist does not want me to take it daily until we determine whether the Cymbalta is working or not, but based on how much it helped my pain I will definitely try this medication next on a daily basis if the Cymbalta fails. I am relieved that it works because I am starting to have stomach pains from taking so much Motrin and really needed an alternative!

Insomnia, but I can see, I am not nauseous, and I don't feel as if my skull cracking open.


stopped after 1 dose.! 5 hours after taking it, started feeling anxious/panicky, horrible headache, nauseaus, insomnia and inner tremors when trying to sleep. Next day felt like a horrible hangover.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive our first for two and a half years and now my doctor wants to test me for PCOS. He first put me on prometrium for 12 days. I had severe cramping, dizziness, and mood swings. But no period. Then I was put on provera for ten days. I've been off provera for nine days now and still no period. I've taken provera on two separate occasions and it worked both times, but now I'm worried that this time it's not going to work. Not only am I not pregnant, but now the doctor says he's going to put me on birth control if this doesn't work. Despite my unfortunate circumstances, I still highly recommend provera.

long term depression, migraine, weight gain (2st), osteoperosis,

2 psychotic episodes, hallucinations, panic attack

After 7.5 months still having gi issues been back to dr multiple times two stool samples cimes back negative 5 blood samples since august all come backGoood still not over augmentin

Drowsiness, being unable to think clearly, anxiety, mood swings, depression, heart palpitations, lack of co-ordination,muscle weakness etc.changes in sleeping pattern -sometimes very sleepy, somtimes unable to sleep

Leg and feet pain with cramps. Swelling in the joints of the knees and ankles. Sever pain in the joints in my body especially legs. Anxiety, panic attacks. Blurred Vision. Caused Short Term Memory Loss. Heart problems such as palpatations. Weight Gain 50lbs. No matter how much I exercised and diet weight would not come off. Effected the urinary track.