Estrace (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Estrace (estradiol)

This cream helps the primary problem with vaginal itching and redness but, for me, comes along with very unpleasant side effects like frequent nausea,chills and breast tenderness. I will be speaking to my Dr regarding decreasing the dosage of this cream to achieve the desired effects and controlling side effects.

Some vision annoyance but temporary.

Surprised it can increase libido when neither husband or wife expected that

Urinary tract infections and atrophy

No side effects. Energized and feel young. No vaginal dryness and sex drive on point.

Vaginal dryness/post ooophemectomy

no dryness, no vagina pain, I went through surgical menopause so I never really went through hot flashes. I do see how women take a much smaller dose so I am going to try that.

14 years on vaginal cream - 10 on Premarin and it caused a lot of weight gain. I had a break but had extreme vaginal pain and dryness, then I went back on Estrace. I did not gain weight when I was using this drug. However I now exercise daily and stay away from flour, pizza and all fried food. Oil in the diet is essential (avocado, Olive oil, canola oil) if you want healthy cells.

Major, MAJOR bloating (I look pregnant). Stomach pain, stomach achiness and tightness. Pain reminded me of when I was on fertility drugs and was in the ovulation phase.

No side effects with this medicine.

itchy scalp, hair loss, dark facial spots, anxiety attacks

stopping this medication, would not recommend

Flu like symptoms - headaches (which I rarely ever had in the past) and a migraine so severe that I had to go to the ER. Fatigue and nausea.

I used Premarin vaginal cream for years, with no side effects. I tried Estrace because the co-pay was less than Premarin.

I am stopping this drug. Stomach ache for days, bloating, irritability, severe low back ache. For the first 24 hrs after a dose I would feel fuzzy headed, dizzy, worse hot flashes than before. I’m going to look for a different / natural alternative.

Bloating. No weight gain but uncomfortably bloated abdomen with some intestinal discomfort. I started doing every 3 days then every 2 and that helped on the off days anyway.

Worked within 2 weeks! Intercourse was virtually painless and I was so ecstatic!

Gained 10 pounds in one month, I also had sever shoulder pain in my right shoulder. I got very bad hot flashes and dizzy at times. My stomach was very looked like I was o months pregnat .

Menopausal symptoms, hypothalamic

Horrible headache, spaced out, nausea, irritable, out of it

My Gyno has me take 8 mg for 3 days and then 4 mg for 26 days. I was stupid enough to follow his orders and now feel like hell! Everything I've read says to start with a lowest possible dose! Why does he pump me up with estradiol like that? I've got a splitting headache, nause, irritable as hell. Yes, I feel stoned and not anxious but I could also take Xanax to manage my anxiety. I'm going to lower my dose.

Awful, 1st dose-severely nauseous,no appetite, anxiety 2nd dose -same as 1st plus severe anxiety,racing heart, confusion with high BP so bad had to go to ER. Still having panic attacks 3 days later.

I only used 1/3 of dosage dr recommended 1 month apart. Was prescribed 3 times a week. Would not recommend!

Heart palpiations and anxiety (fight/flight feeling).

The longer I took it the worse the symptoms got as well as the frequency. In the beginning you don't give a whole lot of thought to a palpitation because they were so infrequent, but the last 7 months things really flared up. One day shortly after taking the Estrace, the palpitations started and I remembered it had actually happened the last 3 days after taking it. I finally had something to tie it to. That was the last time I took Estrace. It's Been 1 Week Today AND I'm still getting them. I also found out that it'll be about 6 weeks before the drug is out of my system so I'm praying I start to few better soon. The heart scares me when it's not beating right!

Solved many problems with no side effects.

Intercourse was very painful would avoid my Husband like the plague. After 2 weeks of Estrace cream my sex life is wonderful and my boobs are bigger. I would highly recommend.

Hair loss, sore joints, sore breast and bloating feeling. Cold feet and hands.

I would not advise taking this.

Drug seems ok, nausea is irritating. Too nauseous to eat much.

hysterectomy & vag reconstruction

no side effects, still have hot flashes, but it helps

Bloated up immediately, bad dreams and severe blood clots. Scary

ESTRACE (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is used by women to help reduce vaginal symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. When treating only vaginal symptoms of menopause, products applied directly inside the vagina (such as this medication) should be used first. Estrogens that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected may have greater risks of side effects due to more estrogen being absorbed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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AWFUL DRUG...TOOK OVER MY BEING & I DIDN'T CARE OR REALIZE THE SEVERITY. I WAS NUMB; SLEEPWALKING IN MANY WAYS. Please STOP taking if you are having bad side effects like mine ~ there are better medications for your condition. Have been completely off drug for 6 weeks, and I am SO much better; back to my old self; it's so refreshing! Have lost weight, no more consuming urge to gorge at night. Coming out of mental fog and apathy. Want to do things again, to live, enjoy life... "get rollin.'"Details of my side effects: Voracious appetite after taking med. at night. Ate ravenously after taking medication before falling asleep...the gourging urge would take over..I'd continue eating although I could hardly keep my eyes open! Would awaken groggy, strung out (like a drug addict) no matter how long I slept. My mind was in a fog; would want to take 2 hours to get out of bed. Complacent about my life; became slothful: poor personal care, neglectful of home & family. Mental clarity dimmed.. I became "slow". Diminished or no initiative. (Used to be a go getter.) Hated my enormous weight gain, knew problem was Seroquel; DID NOT stop taking medication or request to switch to another medication. Until I came off of Serequel, didn't realize how much it was ruining my life..while on the drug ~ I WAS SO NUMB, DIDN'T REALLY CARE ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! APALLING. I encourage anyone on Serequel to consider serious side effects. There ARE alt

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It all started with debilitating anxiety and waking at night. I never made the connection to taking Flonase until I recently started experiencing adrenaline jolts at night. I would barely fall asleep and be jolted awake with racing heart and anxiety. This would happen all night long and I would not get any sleep. I started researching online and found this forum. I believe it all to be related to Flonase. I stopped taking 6 days ago. I still experience nightly adrenaline jolts and anxiety but have seen some decrease in the intensity. I have been having headaches too. I've been seeing a therapist to deal with anxiety for the past two years. It's crazy to imagine all my troubles could have been as a result of this drug. I will never take again! Like others, I would like to know how long symptoms will last after stopping use. Will I get my life back? I am grateful to have found this forum. Please email me if you have any insight to give.

I've been taking it for a while, but I've noticed over time I've had to increase my dose. As I've done that, I seem to be clenching my jaws/teeth at night more and more.

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Nausea, Headaches Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Fatigue, Dry Mouth, Tinnitus, Anxiousness, Increased Agitation/Irritability, Drowsiness, General Abnormal Aches and Pains.

Diarrhea, anal bleeding, tingly hands and feet, anxiousness/moodiness, vomiting, headache, not being able to drink.

I started taking 20MG of Nexium once daily 6 months ago for GERD. No symptoms at first, then about 5 months into taking Nexium, I was diagnosed with an ulcer and tested positive for H Pylori. I was prescribed two weeks of antibiotics and my doctor increased my Nexium dose to 40MG two times a day. That's when all of these symptoms started! Because of the stomach pain that I'm experiencing, my doctor thought I may still have an ulcer so he tested again for the H Pylori but it came back negative. He tested my liver, also negative. Now he wants to do an ultrasound of my gallbladder. But my stomach pain didn't start until he upped my dose of Nexium! I'm currently on 40MG once a day now, but after reading everything on this site, I think I need to stop taking it!

Some mild fatigue. This is an injectable, once every 3 months. I have really had no problems so far.

At first I wasn't sure Claritin-D was to blame for all of my symptons. But now I think so after reading other comments and doing research. I noticed the constipation immediately. Fiber does not help--only a laxative once a week. Now 2 laxative pills don't work--has to be three!! My throat is achy and so is my chest. My body aches like I have a viral infection and I am tired too much. I have noticed occassional shaking and tremors in my legs to such a degree that I walked funny. And unless I go work out, I do have trouble sleeping some nights. I noticed when I skipped Claritin-D a day or two I felt better. Fatigue and achiness came back once I resumed use.