Elestrin (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Elestrin (estradiol)

reduction in appetite, nausea, headaches, mood swings, depression. These things are not gone, but it certainly has moved me to a "better place" while undergoing my Zoladex/ Femara treatment. I feel much more stable and more like myself. And best of all, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to overcome the hormonal suppression of the Zoladex!

Switched to Elestrin after taking Enjuvia and literally going crazy. I've been on Zoladex for over 3 years now to suppress my hormones because of endometriosis and ovca scares, and I needed something that would balance things out and not cause enough estrogen to counteract the effects of the Zoladex. So far it does seem to be working pretty well. I've had less depression or mood swings, but do have some very hormonal days and hot flashes every once in awhile. Overall a huge help vs battling 0 hormones with Zoladex and femara as I had been doing. I will continue to use Elestrin. I apply once a day on upper arm, switching sides back and forth. The only issue is that my husband (this is weird...) has gotten much more emotional over the past few months- moody, emotional, tired, etc- almost like male PMS. We are both wondering if perhaps the Elestrin is leeching out of my skin onto the bed sheets or he is brushing up against my arm in the middle of the night. Ladies- want to make your man feel like a woman? This is the way to do it! (Poor guy. He's been very sympathetic...)

ELESTRIN (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is absorbed through the skin and enters into the bloodstream. It is used by women to help reduce a certain symptom of menopause (hot flashes). Certain brands may also help to reduce vaginal symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It is the only drug that works for me, when I have severe pain in my neck. It is scarry to hear of people doubling/tripling their doses(unless their doctor tells them to). Did anyone hear about Mr. ledger or Michael Jackson? I take only 1 at night and it really helps my pain. I have bad scoliosis and muscle spasms because of the imbalance in my muscles that support the spine. I have tumors that are seemingly non-cancerous but they do cause nerve pain and although the nerve pain is not reduced with carisoprodol it does relax me and make me more tolerant of the nerve pain. I did drink after taking this once and noticed that I became very effected by the alcohol. So it is not a good idea to mix these two but if you do only drink a small amount (1 drink) Please be careful especially if you are taking other medications that you don't overdose. I do feel tired when I take carisoprodol but don't notice a hangover the next day. My children who are grown also do not think that it makes m

It works great! Don't believe everything you read about this med, like other medications work for some and for other does not, Me ha quitado la ansiedad hehe

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