Depo-provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Depo-provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Nausea, heart issues, dizziness, muscle weakness, panic attack, visual disturbances, fatigue, neck pain/ spasms, chest pains, cold hands / sweats, acne, extreme hormone disturbances I have progesterone left etc.

Insomnia., abdominal pain, anxiety, headache, tiredness. Horrible experience !

Extreme Anxiety,hot flashes, headaches and weak legs feel like I'm going to fall are faint. Stomach pain been bleeding the whole time back pain u name it I had it...STAy AWAY!!

I got this shot almost three months ago I'm due for my next on the 15th and I will not be getting it.This shot has been hell since I started it and my anxiety is so bad coming off this seems like a full blown panic attack everyday feel like in going to faint and I'm always sweaty.i can't wait for this to wear off all I can do is pray never again please ladies don't take this I beg u its the worst thing I ever put in my body. STAY AWAY!!!!

Heart palpations, Dizzy, Hot flashes, Anxiety/ Panic attacks, Tingling arms, Leg pain, Back pain, Abdominal pain, Shoulder pain, Months of bleeding

I got the shot when I was on my period June 2023 my period stopped shortly after my first shot. At first I had no side effects and no period so I thought "this is great". Then I got my second shot and things went downhill. I got my period in Sept 2023 and it stopped January 2024! I bled light to heavy allll those months with some clotting! I've been to the ER and Urgent care for this weird abdominal pain that I thought was my kidneys or appendix. I've been checked so many times for everything! Even checked my thyroid, kidneys, gallbladder I've checked everything! Blood and urine tests constantly. Got a CT Scan but everything was normal. All my blood tests were normal. All my organs were normal. I've had UTI's and BV so many times. I told my OB about my pain and bleeding and she looked at me and said “well I've never heard of that before”. BS it takes one google search to see so many other women complain about bleeding! I've seen so many doctors about my issues and even one doctor diagnosed me with anxiety and I've never had any mental health issues! I have no history or family history of mental health, cancer, thyroid or anything! Not every woman has a bad experience but this Depo Shot is NOT good! I would NOT recommend! I've been off th

Dizziness, lots of headaches,weight gain loss of hair

I got the depo-provera injection for the first time 1 month ago (April 28, 2023) and it will be my last. I now have really bad nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. My life has changed since I got the shot. I cannot sleep and I barely eat from the anxiety. I have lost 12 lbs in 1 month. When I try to get some sleep I wake up out of nowhere shaking with severe heart palpitations. I do not recommend this injection at all!!!!! It has ruined my life. I was only told about the weight gain but never any other side effects. I am praying that these side effects go away soon.

I didn't realise that this shot strips you of vital vitamins folate and vitamin d which made me so so poorly,, I had mood swings, body aches, not sleeping well, headaches, dizziness, feeling sick,, the list is endless!! I recommend anyone who is on this or just come off to get there vitamin levels checked. I used the depo for years before which I didn't realise until this time that it was what was causing all these issues if I'd have known I'd have never gone back on it!!! Stay clear ladies

Anxiety, sadness, painful boobs, hip pain, back pain, muscle pain, headaches, shaking hands & weight loss! My 1st and last injection never ever again! I'm on week 5 of 12 and I cannot wait to get this poison out my body!

I was very happy with depo I was on it long term with no periods and not much thoughts as it worked so well.I asked the nurses if I was fine on it and not having periods for so long and they said it was seen as resting my body so I stayed on it.I was then made aware that I should have had a bone scan after two years 7 years later.So I informed my doctor who put me in for a scan to find out my bones have thinned from the injection. I am absolutely gutted and if someone had told me to come off it I would have.I am currently waiting for my body to reset and scared of the periods that will come if they ever come back. I dont really know what to do regarding my bones as its so upsetting and long term I dont know if they will get strong again.

This injection is great short term use but please please dont take it for longer than two years. Just get off it. I wish I had stopped after two years and changed I would have stopped if they had told me. Its not worth it.

I've experienced migraines,fatigue,muscle weakness,scoliosis in my spine, muscle spasms in my entire body, sunken eyes, muscle loss, fainting or passing out anytime

F*ck depo shot never get it especially with a hormone imbalance

Depo is my greatest regret in life. I have been off it since November 2022 and I thought I would feel better by now (February 2023). But I don't. I have crippling depression. I feel like all the estrogen in my body is depleted and it will never come back. I don't feel beautiful. I feel like I have lost all facial fat. All the feminine features in my face have melted off while I was on depo and I am afraid my face will not be full again. If you are having this symptom please let me know because I feel like I am the only one with sunken eyes and exhaustion! It is depressing and I never smile anymore. I feel like I have no more happiness in life …

Vagina dryness, painful intercourse, uterus lining shredded, 3 weeks of bleeding

I started Depo-provera in September the 30th 2022 I was going fine until a month in and had my periods For 3 weeks straight and had a continuous pain then realize that I had this long thing that came out of my vagina...i thought I had a miscarriage but I didnt. while I was bleeding/period and it looked like a blood clot but it wasn't. it was my uterus lining that had been shredded and ever since then I have had a very dry vagina. I have had problems having intercourse with my partner as it's been really sore and tight when he inserts it. I have seen the doctor to get onto (ACI -JEL Balance) which lubricanted the inside of my vagina and put acidity back into it because every time I had intercourse with my partner, it would be very sore and cause me to bleed after sex.I would have have to wear a panty liner constantly because of the jelly that came out. I then had a reaction to the panty liners and had to stop wearing them. I had itchy vagina and still dryness. I will never take depo- provera again STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!! it has ruined my sex life and I just want everything to go back to normal again. I've seen a gynecologist and he has put me on the pill as the pill called (levlen) it has estrogen in it which my body was lacking because the dep-provera took that away from me. It is now 6th of Januray 2023 still experience vagina dryness and feeling like my vagina is being ripped open when my partner inserts it still. I am going to wait it out and see what happens.

I went from a ray of sunshine with so much motivation to a couch potatoe with 0 desire to do anything. This shot makes you depressed. My symptoms consist of CRONIC neck and shoulder pain, extreme tiredness, somewhat blurry vision, dizziness, mood swings, crying for no reason, anxiety, a random swollen lymph node in my neck that hurts like heck and overall feeling like I'm dying. I've been to numerous doctors (primary, urgent care and ENT) who say I'm fine and nothing is wrong but I feel awful everyday and they think I'm crazy. Luckily my gyno is amazing and told me to stop taking it and that these symptoms can be side effects of the shot. I can't wait for it to wear off.

The only reason why I agreed to take the shot was because I was diagnosed with endometriosis 7 months ago and they said I had to stop periods or I could develop another emdometrioma cyst and potentially lose my other ovary. I REALLY want kids so I agreed to try depo. Never again. I'll take my chances with the pill. If you haven't started it yet, don't! Save yourself.

Stomach pain, extreme fatigue, hot flashes, waking up in the middle of the night, hair loss, joint pain, sore boobs, brown discharge, bleeding off and on, dizziness, anxious all the time, heart palpitations, neuropathy, no sex drive...I don't know why I took this shot so many times.

Minor weight gain 10-15 lbs, if I remember correctly 1 period after starting depo lasted a few days more than normal and some spotting maybe once or twice in the first year, mood swingsI started when I was 16 or 17 as a means to cure painful periods and as a contraceptive. Besides minor changes, it was great, I rarely had cramps and very rarely were they super painful like before. Never had periods, but I did notice a little bloating or mood swings once in awhile, nothing concerning. I loved it and raved about it even knowing others had horror stories from taking it. I knew it worked for me. I once got off of it 4 years ago but only for maybe 6 months and got right back on it, maybe had 2 periods. In January of this year 2022 I was due and decided not to continue and to plan on trying to conceive in the future. The first few months were ok, started having periods, first couple lasted 2 weeks more or less, spotting, very painful, 6 months in, my breasts would get extremely sore and bigger, extreme bloating, took several pregnancy tests. My sex drive I started to notice would fade in and out causing serious problems in my relationship, it was so non existent that when it would come back only then I'd realize how much it comes and goes. I'm extremely irritable off and on, extremely depressed off and on, here we are almost 11 months of discontinuing depo and I am seeing doctors, had my hormone levels checked and they said they were fine.

I have sought out counseling. I get extremely emotional and anxiety that makes my heart flutter, panic attacks, lower back aches/cramps, light headed quite frequently, my appetite is next to nothing, I force myself to atleast eat dinner. I am struggling to find answers and a cure to just be normal again. I do have periods every month, this time it has been 5 weeks since the last. If you asked me a year ago I would have highly recommended this, if you ask me now I would do anything for people to have facts and do any research you can. These long term side effects, the random restlessness, the irritability, the mood swings, the stressing over nothing, the depression and anxiety and the effect it puts on your daily life, is NOT worth it. I would give anything to find help right now and how to move forward. I take vitamins, b12, omega, have resorted to cbd for my anxiety, but of dozens of doctors throughout the years none have never told me any one of these things would happen. Look the other way. Depo is not the answer. It is miserable and scary. Reading these threads is all I can do to know that I am not alone. So if your reading this and have similar side effects please reach out, and if your reading this in interest of taking it and made it this far, look at the best interests of your future health, mentally and physically, I beg you.

I have sore breast headaches severe cramps back pain always tired no motivation always sick severe nausea ans feel like passing out a lot and I am always so angry over everything ruined my life don't take it

Extreme weight gain, and extreme moodiness. I stopped getting my period which was nice.

The doctors tell you what to expect while taking the shot. But nothing about after you stop. I went through withdraws. I stopped taking it, my last shot was December 2021. I still have not gotten my period and I thought I was dying while going through withdraws. The after effects are not worth the pregnancy prevention.

I was on the depo shot for about 3 years and decided to skip my last shot. I am now dealing with what seem to be withdrawl symptoms (headache, body aches, fatigue, shortness of breathe, loss of appetite, feeling of having a viral infection, and as of lately a little bit of nausea) has anyone had anything similar to this when coming off of this shot?

DEPO-PROVERA (MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat certain types of cancer (such as uterine cancer, kidney cancer). Medroxyprogesterone is like a natural hormone called progesterone made by the body. It is usually used with or after other treatments (such as radiation, surgery). Medroxyprogesterone may prevent or slow the worsening of the cancer and decrease pain and other symptoms. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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took one pill for the first time because it was recommended by lots of people. soon after i started getting very worried and a feeling of panic. very emotional. blurred vision! Do not take this drug.

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Dry Mouth, Dizziness, Headaches, nausea, some numbness and tingling, Debilitaing fatigue with missed dosage and the increased tolerance of medication, recent changes in dental health due to side affects of medication

Started taking Rozerem after AmbienCR stopped working. Doctor explained this med is to be taken nightly & gains efficacy over time. This explains why it didn't initially work for me. After 1 to 1-1/2 mos. it began to work. I now fall asleep within 15-20 minutes & if I wake during night I'm able to get back to sleep. So, the bottom line is that I still wake up during the night, but my sleep is MUCH better; more consistent and more restful. I will continue to take Rozerem. If you're going to try this, take it nightly & give it time to work for you.

The first month was terrible: nauseau, lots of crying and a roller coaster of emotions. Now things are much better! Aside from 1 instance of leg swelling and leg cramps every once in a while everything is back to normal and actually better than before!My doctor put on Yasmin to help control my PCOS and I think it's doing a great job. It's now a little easier to lose weight, my skin is improving lots, the hair on my head has stopped falling out at a rapid rate, the hair everywhere on my body is a lot finer and not so thick... the improvements go on and on! I'm so happy I'm on Yasmin now, I wish I would have been started on it sooner.

Moderate to Severe Flushing but not intolerable.