Combipatch (estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Combipatch (estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Massive weight gain in my belly, swollen untouchable breasts, heavy bleeding that hasn't stopped in 2 months with large blood clots, tired body

No matter what I did I could not stop the weight gain in my belly. I went on a customized meal plan, workout 4-5 times a week. My breasts hurt so bad I don't even want my husband looking at them, my sex drive has diminished. But the worst part is my non-stop bleeding. My doctor told me to go off today which I happily ripped the patch from my tummy. I have to go to doc next week to possibly talk about having an ablation.

Joint aches, bone density, heart

Started loosing tons of hair by day 4 (after placement of second patch), throat pain, back and neck aches severely, headaches

Night sweats, dryness, hair loss

I'm not sure if this is caused by the patch or diabetes but I've been getting tons of yeast infections. Also some occasional spotting.

I was getting horrible night sweats to the point where I was unable to sleep more than 1.5 hr a night. My hair was coming out and vaginal dryness was so bad it hurt to wipe after peeing. This patch saved my life! After only a few days I slept for a whole 8 hours and felt like a new person. I have sensitivity to adhesives so I put the patch on my hip above butt cheek and alternate each time. It works so much better! Also, I use an adhesive remover wipe I get from Amazon (uni-solve). It works great but has an unpleasant smell which is not a big deal because I use it right before I take a shower and it's gone. Recently I have been spotting once a month (for the last 5 months) which is almost nothing and not horrible and I've also been getting a lot of yeast infections. I was thinking it's because I'm diabetic but my A1C is controlled at 6.1 (not on any meds for it, diet only). I'm starting to think maybe this is due to the patch? I'm going to talk to my provider about this but I'm hesitant to go off the patch because I'm so scared the symptoms will return. They were so bad!

My bloodwork showed I needed it.

HAIR LOSS, itchy skin with new patch, hot flashes, brain fog, body fatigue, exhaustion, memory loss

This has lead to severe depression. I would not recommend.

Took this patch for 2 years. I now have breast cancer.

I used combi patch about 8 years. My Dr retired and I had to get a new scrip. The new Dr wouldn't write it because of my heart problems, she try giving me other thing's but I was up set and was going to find another Dr. For the last five years using the patch I was having hot flashes most every nigh and having them during the day. I had to keep my apartment very cold and I stayed hot. I was planning on seeing if she would change me to a pill see if it would work better. I have not wore a combi patch now over a week! I've had no more hot flashes or night sweats. I don't stay hot all the time since I haven't been using them. Two days ago I got up and couldn't hold my pee! Pee would run down my legs and it had a horrible smell. I went to my family Dr. She thinks it was caused from quiting the patches, ph unbalanced. I belive it, I kelp drinking water and the smell stop and so did the pee. I also would have this odd sweat smell around my chest in the mornings and I haven't had it since I quit the patches. I heard the Dr say it's dangerous after taking them for five years, could cause cancer. I'm going to go in couple weeks and get check make sure I'm ok.

HORRIBLE WELTS & ITCHING where patch is placed!!!! Never had them for the first year... and now...I can barely stand to wear the patch!!!

Please change the adhesive back!!! This other formula is ruining my skin and making me think about changing to a different HRT.

Everything was just fine for about a year...then....started having issues with skin under patch being very red, swollen (welted), and very itchy !!!! I was a mess, I could see 8 different patch marks ! kind of like scarring. I was considering another form of hormones.THE MIRACLE SOLUTION:***Then a pharmacist recommended to spray Flonase nasal allergy spray (I used the Kirkland Aller-Cort, which I had on hand) on the area you are going to apply...then let dry thoroughly and then apply patch.I haven't had any redness, itching or swelling since !I hope this helps others...sure has made using the patch pleasant again !

Some burning if I place on lower abdomen. I place on trunk.

Works well, stopped hot flashes, vagina dryness and headaches.

Patch has stopped my hot flashes,vaginal dryness, my hair loss has slowed, and weight loss 10 lbs.

Worked like magic 24 hours after putting on first patch. Hot flashes disappeared, bloating went down after a few weeks, depression due to lack of hormones completely gone BUT my last 2 boxes of patches were/are HORRIFIC!!! Last box had ZERO stick. Most patches peeled off tab totally dry. This month the patches are BURNING my skin on contact. Something changed. I always rotate sides of my body and placement spots and the patches are itching, burning and scarring me. Something changed and it needs to be fixed.

Please change the adhesive and plastic patch back.

Worked like magic 24 hours after putting on first patch. Hot flashes disappeared, bloating went down after a few weeks, depression due to lack of hormones completely gone BUT my last 2 boxes of patches were/are HORRIFIC!!! Last box had ZERO stick. Most patches peeled off tab totally dry. This month the patches are BURNING my skin on contact. Something changed. I always rotate sides of my body and placement spots and the patches are itching, burning and scarring me. Something changed and it needs to be fixed.

Please change the adhesive and plastic patch back.

My first 30 days were great. No break through flashes, as I was flashing every 15 to 20 minutes all day every day and wetting my sheets at night. After the month ended I started cramping, spotting and having headaches. The spotting has not ended. I have been spotting for weeks now. I have gained weight in my mid section and it's annoying because my clothes are tight. I am not having the issue of redness or irritation on my stomach… yet, but I will continue to watch for it. My plan is to stay on for 6 months and check everything out, however if I start losing my hair, I'm done…finished! It is pretty sad that there are no safe alternatives.

It took my hot flashes away and I did sleep at night but I had hair loss prior to this but the whole crown of my head is almost bald now. It was one of the reasons my doctor put me on it.

elevated liver enyzmes and possible liver damage

Have used other hrt also, but end result has been elevated liver enzyme tests and evidently possible liver scarring. No doctor alerted me to fact hrt can cause this! Be careful, this liver damage also can happen with birth control pills in younger women.

Severe night sweats and hot flashes

No side effects initally. Worked like a charm! On my 9th month, the itching, burning, and redness is unbearable. I had to take off the patch a day before I was supposed to change. All of the patches in this box have left red, raised, "burned" areas and have been so itchy and painful. I called the company to see if there was something wrong with this lot and they said no.

Combipatch has has practically eliminated all symptoms after about 2 months. My only complaint is when I started my fourth box I started having severe itchiness and some burning at the application site, When I remove the patch it leaves a red mark the size of the patch and takes several weeks for it to go away. I am running out of places to put the patch so I don't have to reapply on the same spot untiil it is completely healed. I don't know what changed when I got my second 90 day supply but it is almost to the point of being unbearable, but I don't want to stop using it since my symptoms have improved so much. Please fix whatever is causing this itchiness.

Please fix the adhesive or whatever is causing the skin irritation/itchiness/burning!

mood swings, tiredness, hot flash

No hot flashes, no weight gain, no vaginal dryness, no mood swings, love these patches. Only problem is have tried to get off them a couple of times since it isn't recommended to be on them for an extended period of time. Every time I attempt to wean off of them I end up with terrible migraines, hot flashes, depression, vaginal dryness and end up right back on them.

I cannot believe how itchy this patch makes my stomach. Itchy, burning, and a red welt left behind in the exact shape of the patch. Why isn't this company doing something about this !!!! I really need to wear this patch to help with my frequent hot flushes and insomnia. It's impossible to wear because it the itchiness!!!! Please, please do something. I never had this reaction when I first started wearing this patch, and I dint know if you changed the adhesive, but it's impossible to wear!!

Hot flashes/anxiety/vaginal dryness

Weight gain, fluid retention, and feeling tired a lot.

I was experiencing 15 to 20 hot flashes a day, my heart would pound so hard and fast I thought I was having a heart attack 3 to 4 times a week, hair loss, vaginal dryness and major mood swings. All my symptoms have subsided after about a month and the hair loss after about 6 months of being on the patch. I change the patch every 4 days. It leaves a red spot that is usually gone after a day but it does leave an adhesive ring that takes a little scrubbing to get off but I can deal with that.

COMBIPATCH (ESTRADIOL; NORETHINDRONE ACETATE): This medication contains 2 female hormones: an estrogen (estradiol) and a progestin (norethindrone). It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. The progestin in this medication helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus which can be caused by using estrogen. Women who have had their uterus removed do not need the progestin and therefore should not use this combination medication. This medication may also be used by women who are not able to produce enough estrogen (for example, due to hypogonadism, primary ovarian failure). If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I hate it. I have migraines but my biggest problem is the bleeding. I switch between pads and panty liners. I have been bleeding for a month straight. I feel very dirty and depressed. Also my hair is thinning. I will not be going back for another shot.

works great to control blood pressure.

I've been using this for about 2 weeks. I had to switch to this one from using Yaz because my health insurance doesn't cover many doctors and planned parent hood doesn't use Yaz. I hate it, I've had some extreme mood swings in the past two weeks and it's cost some of my friendships to go down hill. No one even wants to talk to me because I've been highly sensitive to everything. I find myself crying a lot and being really angry and depressed. Other symptoms I've had are nausea and some spotting. I also have been eating a lot more and gaining weight. I see that i'm not the only one who has reacted that way. I really don;t recommend this form of birth control. Especially if you normally are emotional before your period, it seem to intensify that.

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To prevent infection after IUD

The 1st night a big circle of my scalp felt like it was frozen, all funny. The next day my shoulders started popping like crazy. I wanted to stop the pills but had been warned that the type of infection/bacteria I had, acinetobacter baumannii, needed to be killed or face kidney disease. I had begged my doctor to give me something else due to the fact I had 5 reasons to NOT take it, on prednisone, over 60, already had tendon and liver problems, and led an active lifestyle. I have not been able to work, I can barely walk, can't drive, too dizzy. No income because my doctor was too lazy to look up the "black box warning" like I asked him to and his attitude>that he knew what was best for me. I could wring his neck, cheerfully. I'm going to a naturopath next week, am starting on many supplements, magnesium, milk thistle, probiotics, raw organic honey and pure apple cider, and epsom salt baths. Fighting off the depression is another story, how do you get out of the dumps when y

Severe bone loss in right hip and chronic pain as well as my entire spine. Hair loss, short term memory loss, blurred vision, mood swings, loss of apetite, joint pain, flu-like symptoms. I've lived with chronic pain fir almodt 2 years..I wish I had never taken this drug and my doctor never warned me about these side effects other than it would give me hot flashes and my body would be normal again after treatment ended. What a crock of shit!! Stay far away from it!!!

Football sized hematoma, anemia knots all over stomach painful had to be hospitalized, cellulitis symptoms but don't think I have it, now my skin is turning purplish black after bruising went away and scared my skin is dying

This drug may be okay for others. But I definitely had some type of reaction to it that I will never take it again. I do have allergies to penicillin and sulfa drugs.

Dizziness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, severe dryness of mouth, hot and then cold.