Cenestin (estrogens, conjugated synthetic a) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cenestin (estrogens, conjugated synthetic a)

I've taken Cenestin for 10yrs due to hysterectomy. I was dx with aggressive breast cancer in 2012, but it was NOT fed by estrogen or progesterone. It was Her2 . I stopped taking Cenestin abruptly due to oncologist pressing the issue. This was a terrible mistake! It affected me cognitively and caused many physical discomforts. After 6 months I found a dr that would prescribe it again, despite the breast cancer history. I feel so much better now! Quality of life definetly trumps quantity in my opinion. Drs need to be more compassionate about this issue.

This is the only HRT that works for me. There have been times that it has not been available and I got a generic and my symptoms returned.

Started to notice itching in my arms and legs but Dr. said to keep taking that this medicine should not cause that and she had never heard of anyone else with that issue. Now, I have stopped taking it because I finally broke out in a rash on my shoulders. I would not recommend to anyone.

With Cenestin, I have no hot flashes, my memory works, I am more "even tempered"..... I was 30 post Ovarian Cancer survior...life is MISERABLE in menapause with young children. I will take the risk to have a GOOD quality verse a long poor quality of life.

Makes me feel wonderful and I look much younger than my age.

Total Hysterectomy with ovaries out

I had a complete hyst in 1993 and had tried many other estrogen products while I was a clinical RN in a women's health clinic...kind of the office guinea pig. They were not controlling the menopausal side effects, such as hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety spells, etc. A dear friend, another RN, suggested Cenestin, so I tried it and was amazed...after one month, no menopausal symptoms and I was able to smile, enjoy life with more energy as well as a happier temprament, which my hubby was grateful for. I have tried to wean down to a smaller dose, but the hot flashes and grumpiness return full force, so I am still on 1.25 mg. At 55 years of age, I will continue to use for another few years under my doctor's close care...unfortunately the cost has skyrocketed since I started to take them years ago and it may not be an option for others due to lack of funds or insurance!

I have been on HRT for 21 years. I am a small boned person but have not had bone loss. I attribute this to Cenestin. I tried not taking Cenestin but the hot flashes drove me mad. The headaches that I had had before taking HRT came back. I persevered for one month. That was enough. I will not give up Cenestin.

I feel young again, calm, happy, a lot more energy. I recommended to everyone who suffers from menopause.

None except for calmness, less wrinkles, smooth skin with no blemishes and no excess hair. Best product ever.

I recently stopped taking cenestin on my own when questions arose regarding breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy. Then I had to have a biopsy which was negative Thank God. I stopped using the cenestin with disastrous results, hot flashes, more facial hair & blemishes that I never had, and I'm sure if my husband was asked my temperment has not been the best. Well, I restated cenestin with an almost immediate change in my skin, calmness, and no hot flashes. I will continue to take cenestin and recommend this product to others after checking with their physician.

hot flashes, night sweats due to ovary removed.

I take cenestin with prometrium. I've had no side effects. People tell me I look 25 years younger than I am.

started cenestin after the hysterectomy in 2001. Kept asking the Dr. if it was safe. I had read that you should only take it short term. Still had night sweats and weight gain from it. However, in 2008 went in for a CAT scan for another issue and a tumor was discovered on pelvic wall. Was stage 4 cancer, needed two major operations and approx. 18 mos of chemo. I had no ovaries but still developed ovarian cancer with also endometrial cancer cells. I truly believe it was caused by the cenestin feeding these cells over all those years. I had the surgeon stumped cause they couldn't even diagnose the cancer properly because there were so many different cancer cells within the biopsy piece. Had to send it out to three different labs for research. Has been a long road trying to recover. Wish I would have trusted my instincts and just lived with hot flashes rather than take a drug like this one.

Drug got rid of hot flashes, vaginal dryness, aches and pains, fatigue and depression. I was able to lose almost 40 lbs. Libido is much more active (perhaps too much). It is as though the drug knocked 25 years off my age.

Second night after surgery I had a night sweat. My Dr. had me on 0.9 censetin the day I left the hospital. I do not have no night sweats at all. I am just scared a little because I was given a high dose, my Dr. says it is a normal a dose. Is it really?

menopause side effects/hot flashes

breast tenderness, skin break-outs, and bloating The worst side effects came about a day or two AFTER discontinuing Cenestin: an over-all sensation of not feeling very well, jittery. After about five days of non-use, the hot flashes returned but the other side effects (feeling unwell and jittery) went away. I am now happily dealing with moderate (tolerable) hot flashes which is where I was prior to taking the drug. In conclusion, I wish I had never taken it. I feel now that the side effects, and possible risks of taking Cenestin, did not make using the drug appropriate for me or worth it.

My Dr. never told me that I should only be taking Cenestin short-term, as it was originally intended.

I have found that 1/2 of the .625 tablet relieves hot flashes and night sweats for me. I have tried to stop taking the drug, but the symptoms return.

Have taken lowest dose (.3) for several years. Tried to stop once, just cutting down to every other day, and just didn't feel right. hair started getting thinner. Decided the benefits outweighed any risks. I get checkups every year, eat healthy, etc. Recommend the drug to anyone.

hot flashes, memory loss, depressed

I had been on Premarin for a couple of years after a complete hysterectomy and didn't like how I felt: blah, moody and depressed. After losing 25 lbs my hot flashes and interrupted sleep (fatigue, depression, memory loss) started up again. Cenestin did the trick. I feel much better. An added bonus was that it got rid of vulvovaginal thinning and dryness, although the vaginal discharge is quite heavy.

Within 2 days I had a yeast infection vaginally, orally, a urinary tract infection, and a yeast type infection in my eyes as well as diarrea. Great, no extreme PMS, but my body is far worse off!

Have not had any side effects from taking this medication.

I have a family history of cancer and heart diseases,plus I am a diabetic, so I did have concerns about this medication. I have been taking it for 3 years now at a high dose rate and have not encountered any problems nor have I had any drug interactions with it and other medication.

Side Effects forcenestin (estrogens, conjugated synthetic a) - User Comments


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I will never ever take this again. I can't believe how bad I felt, a runny nose and itcy eyes are better than this.

Dry mouth, dizziness, stomache cramps, headaches, legs hurt, irritability.

After going off of Latuda, I feel so much better. I no longer feel so anxious that I want to die. I can go out and not be afraid of having a panic attack.

racing heart, diarrhea,frequent urination,frequent pulmonary infections.

Tired, nervous, anxious, neck pains, nerve damage, sleeplessness, skin eruptions, abdominal rash, tingling in hands and feet, (parathesia) these side effects have lasted 9 months or more. Doc said it wasn't the metronizodole as symptoms not in her book!!! This stuff is poison. Approach with caution!!

Helped with the allergies but caused severe depression, which was intolerable. It also made me sleepy around the clock. I think that it has also caused joint pain in my knee.

Was very nervous about taking this medicine but was in servere agony with my Endo and am on a waiting list for a lab and hopefully hyst. Am 40 yrs old lucky to have had 3 children, diagnosed 13 years ago.Started to ease pain from day one which was pleasing, no other serious side effects, accept a bit moody and sleepiness. I did bleed for 6 weeks at the beginning. The last month the pain has started to return and am getting weird pains in my left leg (where the Endo pain is localised on left side). Pain in leg is very sharp at times down to my knee....bleeding for 3 weeks (black) that has stopped now but seems to coincide with pain again... feels like ovary or appendix is going to burst. Bowels are affected too... got to watch what I eat and can't drink alocohol (Pants!)Afraid to come tablets as pains unbearable.Don't know whether to go to docs again... sure they sick of me.Hate the miserable look on my face....

I wont recommend taking Pentothal injections. This was given to me by Dr. A P Patkar from Mumbai, who obviously lied about it saying that these were some powerful Vitamins

Confusion, dizziness, insomnia, thoughts of suicide, depression, memory loss, anxiety, agitated, anger, I'm a ticking time bomb, violent, ready to kill if get on my bad side, arms and legs jerking and shaking, I should have died that day.

It's certainly helped to keep my blood sugar at the approiate level, however, the side effects are annoying