Aygestin (norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aygestin (norethindrone acetate)

AYGESTIN (NORETHINDRONE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat women with abnormal bleeding from the uterus. It is also used to treat women who have stopped having menstrual periods for several months (amenorrhea) but who are not pregnant or going through menopause. In addition, this medication is used to treat a condition (endometriosis) in which tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus is found outside the uterus in the abdomen/pelvic area, causing painful/irregular periods. Norethindrone is a type of female hormone (progestin). It is like the hormone progesterone that your body makes naturally. This medication works by stopping the normal growth of the uterus lining during the menstrual cycle and signaling hormone changes in the uterus to restore normal menstrual periods. This medication must not be used to test for pregnancy. Progestins are not effective in preventing miscarriages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Sleepy, euphoric, proud, slightly addictive

Not as bad as expected after reading other comments. Boated for the first few glasses but OK after the first bowel movement. After some experimentation, found the best method was chugalugging. More palatable if taken on the side with Crystal Light lemonade. Finished the 4 liters in about 3 hours. Started defacating after the 8th glass. Turned cloudy yellow after the 12th glass. Took about 25 to 30 bowel movements to completely evaculate the intestines. Next time I hope they either develope a tasteless version or in pill form taken with 4 liters of plain water.

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The symptoms of my UTI started to become less severe after I took the 3rd pill. Honestly though, I've had several other antibiotics work faster and better than this for UTIs. The side effects are worse than the actual UTI, I feel like I am coming down with a flu. I only have 3 more pills left to take, and honestly, I am nervous about taking them.

It helped open my nasal passage about two hours after I took it.

20lb weight gain slowly over 2 years. I work out hard every day. Fluid retention, loss of libido, fatigue, depression and anxiety. My heavy bleeding and severe cramps went away completely, which are the only two positive things about it.

i have a history of well-managed bipolar and anxiety, so four hours after taking my one little pill i was ready to check myself into the er or the psych ward for good. i am finally calming down now thanks to some ativan, but the pain is coming back like a monster. calling it a muscle relaxant is a sick joke.

Zyrtec alleviated the hives but I began to notice stomach pain, dry eyes, tinnutus, and then when I tried to stop taking it I got vertigo and awful itching and hives- much worse than the original problem I started taking Zyrtec for. My dermatologist said if it was resolving the hives then I could continue. By then I checked withdrawal symptoms online and found so many people struggling to get off this awful drug. The itching is fierce and I woukd get hives several inches across plus swollen lips and bumps of over an inch came up randomly on my forehead or wrist. I did more research and found that Zyrtec supresses Histamine ratger than breaking it down. I had very low DAO enzyme in my body so coukd not vreak the excess histamine down naturally. After weeks of hell once I stopped taking Zyrtec I bought Histame capsules on the internet and within 3 days. had the itching under control. I tackled the root cause of my low DAO with the help of a nutritionist and was able to stop the Histame after a few weeks. I do eat a low histamine diet now which also helps. I would never ever take Zyrtec again

This drug is addictive and the whole point of flavoring it now is to get new customers, making this market as bad or worse than the cigarette market. Drug dealing is drug dealing, whether you're "protecting us" from carbon monoxide or not.

I have been on this pill for a month and a half now. Before I started on this pill, I hadnt had a period for about 3 months. Anyway, I started my 1st period four days before the placibo pills and ended it after only 2. Now I am into my second week of the 2nd month and I am having spotting and colored discharge. Along with cramping and fatigue. I am switching birth control ASAP!!! I advise you do the same.