Zyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride)

Extreme anger after one day, used to take daily 4 pills, was agitated and angry.

This medication just took the edge off of my severe anaphylactic symptoms of allergy to the cold air. I was angry and irritated and sometimes anxious. Recently started taking it again after a severe reaction unmedicated. Got the same symptoms back.

Side Effects forzyrtec allergy (cetirizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I felt better after a couple of hours of laying down.

Tired during the day and difficulty going to sleep. Fitful sleep.

Today was my second dose at 150mg. Already I feel more energetic but with a little anxiety. Kinda feels like taking a shot of double espresso only it lasts all day. I'm hoping that the drug levels out soon cause I don't exactly like all these side effects. Would love to sleep soundly again...

Dizziness, increased Anxiety, lack of concentration, Insominia, light headed, diarrhea and a feeling of “off balance.”Please email me if you have any comments.

Significant brain fog, memory loss in short term, trouble ejaculating, dry mouth

Diarrhea, mood change, nightmares, stomach pain, nausea, appetite loss, skin changes

No longer depressed. Feel optimistic about future. I also have much more drive and energy to get what I want accomplished rather than just thinking about it. I feel happy almost all the time! Weight loss has tapered off which was good because I was thin to begin with - I lost 3 lbs in the first two weeks which doesn't sound like much but considering I am 5'6" and 115 lbs (now 112), I can't afford to lose an ounce. My appetite is still non-existent, but I just make myself eat at regular intervals and I do fine. Best of all - I quit smoking! The cravings are gone and even the smell of smoke makes me gag (husband still smokes - I'm gonna kick him outside to smoke when the winter is over). This really is a wonder-pill!

I started a special diet to help alleviate UC symptoms after a major flare-up 6 months ago. The diet has helped tremendously. It basically eliminates all starches, grains, breads, flour, sugars. I am very concerned about having been on this drug for so long (6 years) but my doctor wants me to not only stay on it but to increase my dosage from 100 mg. /day to 150! I refused to increase the dosage and went on this diet instead! It has really helped! If anyone is interested it is called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

low sex drive, weight gain, headache, irritable bowel, fatigue, spaciness

Was told I would have extreme flu/Covid19 like symptoms.