Zovia 1/50e-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zovia 1/50e-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate)

Mood swings, anger problems, low sex drive, extensive cystic facial rash.

I was fine in the very beginning. Soon, I started being snappy, angry and furious suddenly for any reason every day. A lot! My man says I changed, that I am mean and maybe I need to go to the therapist. I feel like Im a devil. I wasnt like that before. My sex drive is extremely low. And now, after my face got evenly sprinkled with numerous acne, some terrible, disgusting and weird rash I have never had before, I have had enough. Zovia made me a monster. Works terrible on me. It is not worth to go through all the side effects!

depression, anxiety, mood swings, darkening of facial skin, decreased sex drive

I am generally a positive, and upbeat person. Now I feel like my body has been taken over by some evil creature. I cry for no reason, feel angry with everyone, overreact to things that normally wouldn't even phase me. My doctors said, "Lots of people get depressed. You don't have to blame it on the medication." Time for a new doctor.

Side Effects forzovia 1/50e-28 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) - User Comments


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After 4 months of taking this poison called Boniva, I found myself with extremely weakened legs. I could barely walk! I needed a cane to get around. My doctor (they are all so pompous) kept telling me it wasn't due to Boniva. I stopped taking it. Guess what? Within a month or so I was back to being able to walk, ditched the cane, etc. It WAS the Boniva! I have read others who experienced similar problems. This poison should be banned! Sally Field can stick her Boniva you know where! The ads, pamphlets and on-air advertising do not tell you NEARLY all the side effects this poison can give you. I will NOT take it again!

After the first month or so I began experiencing extreme dry throat irritation, night time uncontrollable coughing. My #'s were better but I hadn't had a full night of sleep in 30 days. Another month longer my throat got worse and had gotten strep throat. Finally I realized the only thing that's been different is the fact I had been on Zetia. I stopped taking it and only 1 week later my throat began to heal. It's been 5 weeks straight with sore throat but getting better. Last night I took Zetia to test it and sure enough immediately woke up 3-4 times in a coughing fit and throat more inflamed. I'm stopping it full boat now and will call my Cardiologist to let him know.

My nurse practitioner told me to stop taking it for 2 weeks and then start again. Sometimes this helps to reset your system. I have not tried this yet as I don't think it would help.

Headaches, tingling in arms and head

i am very disappointed. i really wanted this spray to work. the sinus drip is more like a running faucet that is starting to effect my lungs. there most be more to try than antibiotics which didn't work, and this stuff....

chapped lips, dry skin, hair fall out, muscle soreness, backpain, stomach pain, headaches, nausea,

Upset stomach, insomnia, headache

extreme irritability,violent temper tantrums,tics,extreme sensitivity,terrible nightmares,anger

Severe stomach pain, it has gotten better but still has not gone away after 3 months, Headaches and itching. I have small itchy bumps all over my body. Plaquenil has really provided tremendous relieve from the pain, but the side effects make it almost impossible to tolerate.

I have had similar side effects taking some over-the-counter antihistamines, but not all. Very unpleasant. My doctor switched me to Zyrtec.