Zovia 1/35e-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zovia 1/35e-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate)

Mostly good! Improved periods & mood. Still had vaginal dryness though.

I have suffered from very long, heavy, and frequent (often twice a month) periods for the last 3 years and severe mood swings for about 4 years. My OB-GYN put me back on birth control pills to try and control these symptoms. I've tried many pills in the last few years. Some helped a bit with my periods. Zovia was the first pill to help A LOT with both my periods and my mood swings. It has been a savior! I still have vaginal dryness and am going to give HRT a try, but if I don't get any further improved results with HRT, I will be running back to Zovia!

I switched to Zovia from Ortho Tri-cyclen a few years ago due to spotting. I've had no problems other than decreased sex drive, but that's to be expected. No headaches or weight gain

Very emotional, crazy mood swings, depressed, anxious. Did not help with acne. My cyle is however very regular.

Side Effects forzovia 1/35e-21 (ethinyl estradiol; ethynodiol diacetate) - User Comments


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best b/p med I have taken. Tried many others. I have taken 10 mg. for 6 years, started with 2.5.

Sleep disturbance, vivid dreams, anxiety, panic attacks

This is going to be a miracle drug for me! I take antipsychotic medications, and I have taken Valium for years (5 mg. X 3). My psychiatrist knows that the Valium is no longer very effective, and so prescribed Buspar. I fully expect the side effects to go away in a few days, and I am very, very pleased to have taken this drug, after resisting it for several years.

Cold sweats, bad headache, aching joints. Pains in stomach. Throwing up. Diharia

My 5 year old daughter has been taking this for years. She has been having emotional meltdowns. I will tell her to brush her teeth or get dressed and she will start screaming and crying. This can go on for up to one hour, she can not stop. When I ask her why she is acting like this she says she doesn't know. Lately she has talked about wanting to hurt herself. She says that we hate her and don't love her. This child is so loved and gets lots of attention. We had even made an appointment with a therapist. My husband mentioned her medications and when I googled on side effects of zyrtec I found that we are not the only ones going through this. I have contacted my daughters doctor and we are stopping the zyrtec!

sleepiness, dry mouth, forgetfullness, feel a little bit buzzed or drunk on it.

Vomiting, dry mouth, made my anxiety worse, tingling in hands, neck dystonia and severe muscle spasms.

Horrible nausea resulting in daily vomiting. (Woke up a couple times early in the morning to puke.). I've lost 5 lbs due to vomiting and taste. Bitter metallic taste in mouth, even water had a nasty taste. Lethargic. Always tired. Dark urine only in the mornings. On the upside cured the problem.