Zonisamide (zonisamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zonisamide (zonisamide)

I was using it for headaches and it caused me dizziness, my neuropathy pain to increase and did not help my headache

Cloudy urine mood swings painful urination

Been on it a week or so and wouldn't recommend it stopped my seizures though

Cloudy urine throat irritation eye dryness severe heartburn

Invest in eye drops drink plenty of water

Burning on skin over my entire body, eyes burned. Sure made neuropathy seem much worse. It even burned when I breathed.

I've never had any kind of reaction like this. I'll go back to the gabapentin.

Was on Lamictal for a couple of years and had the memory of a goldfish. When I switched to Zonisamide, I felt so much better and clearer. One big problem... now I have 3 Kidney stones. Passing kidney stones is one of the worst kinds of pain you can imagine! Other problem, I started having partial seizures again (thankfully not the Grand-mals)and I don't want to really up my dosage of a med that gives me kidney stones. Needless to say, my neuro and I are looking for a new med that will work for me.

If you are taking this med, drink LOTS of water (at least 3 quarts a day)!If you start having cloudy urine, add lemon to the water you drink and think about calling your Dr. You may have a kidney stone.

ZONISAMIDE (ZONISAMIDE): Zonisamide is used with other medications to prevent and control seizures (epilepsy). Zonisamide is a sulfonamide anticonvulsant and a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. It is unknown how zonisamide works to prevent seizures. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It’s supposed to have less side effects than tramadol but this is NOT the case.

For the first few months on Provigil I experienced flu-like symptoms - aches and chills - doctor said it was common, and gradually they went away. If I take too much, I can get a little shaky, but not anxious. Like others, my urine seems darker and stronger-smelling. The most annoying side effect is that I clench my jaws to the point of headaches sometimes, AND - this is the worst - I compulsively push my tongue against the back of my lower teeth so that after awhile my tongue and gums are sore; I've even gotten irritation sores on my tongue. Even though I'm aware of it, I can't stop it. My dentist doesn't think I'm hurting my teeth, anyway. And it's bearable.

Took 1 3 hrs before bedtime, took another @ bedtime. Woke up with extreme headache, dry eyes, dehydrated.

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After being unable to tolerate once weekly Fosomax because of GI distress, I was put on once monthly Boniva. After the first month, I started having terrible hip and knee pain. I've always been an active daily walker, but felt I couldn't walk up hill anymore. After the 2nd monthly dose, I started having discomfort and pain in my neck and jaw. I felt the glands in the base of my head and neck were swollen, had a CAT scan and it showed enlarged lymphs. I felt like I had a bad case of the flu. I've continually gotten worse with pain in my head, joints, and spine. My wrists ache now and I feel like I'm 80 years old and can't function. I will never, NEVER take another dose of Boniva!! I only pray the symptoms aren't permanent and will decrease with time. Glad I found this website, wish I had seen it months ago.

I took half the dose at my doctor's suggestion because I WAS a light smoker but smoked for 20 years. By the end of the first week on chantix the desire to smoke was gone! I have been smoke free for three months, and my husband who was a one pack plus a day smoker has been smoke free for five months. This drug works!

Drug is highly addictive and damaging. Doctors give it out like candy, it is a total crime. DO NOT TAKE this poison. My son overdosed on it and was minutes away from death when we found him in a fetal position on the steps. He was on a ventilater for three days and given last rights...fortunately he recovered without permanate damage. I beg all of you to never ever take this drug. Also write or call the Food and Drug Association to complain.