Zomig-zmt (zolmitriptan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zomig-zmt (zolmitriptan)

ZOMIG-ZMT (ZOLMITRIPTAN): Zolmitriptan is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light/sound). Prompt treatment helps you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Zolmitriptan belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans. It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It may also relieve pain by affecting certain nerves in the brain. Zolmitriptan does not prevent future migraines or lessen how often you get migraine attacks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Worst first: Aggravated my Migraine. Headaches started getting worse and more frequent few days into 75 mgs dose. I just increased my Inderal, which has shielded me from migraine efficiently. I hit the 100 mgs dose of Lamictal, and my head felt like it was in a vice for what now seems to be forever. No doc would say for sure it was Lamictal. They said maybe barometric pressure, maybe having eliminated Emsam. I now believe it is Lamictal. I have been on steroids a week. No barometric pressure migraine ever resisted Prednisone high dosage. Other side effects: not finding my words (I'm a lawyer), and sweating (and smelling) profusely. Weight-neutral for me.

Glad when the IV Ativan calmed it down

EXTREME nausea around the clock, headaches, totally lethargic, can't focus/read, paranoia, jitters, flushing, bloated stomach

I take 150mg of seroquel every night and it does help me sleep, i dont wake up every hour anymore. My anxiety has decreased as well.

I'm experiencing light-headedness. But for the woman who is having the bad headaches, they may well be created by the die-off reaction from the yeast. The yeast is probably throughout your body and releasing harmfull chemicals as they die. I'd say you have more to deal with than just vaginal yeast.

I picked up my first Fosamax prescription yesterday, and read the 3 pages of warnings attached, which made me wary enough to check the net. After checking through various websites, and reading of more problems than I ever knew existed, I'm not going to take Fosamax, and will return it to the store. I wonder about the "diagnosis" of borderline osteoporosis, since I'm 5 feet tall and weigh about 103 pounds, how could my hip bone (only problem area noted in Dexa scan) possibly be as dense and heavy as that of the comparative "standard" 25 year old? I think it's all hype.

Extreme fatige,sweating,nightmares and that was just the beginning.The thoughts of suicide were overwhelming and it made me feel a horrible despair.Mood swings,extreme anger,leg pain just to name a few.

Really helped with shaking, panic, arrhythmia, and I sleep better.

Pros- fifteen minutes after taking, I'm able to work.in the middle not pro or con-causes me to have a bowel movement about half an hour after taking.Cons- inability to sleep some nights after taking.

I have had chronic nasal problems for 35 years which for the past 2 years has begun effecting my tear ducts by plugging them up and causing constant pussy exudate and vision problems. Eye doctor wanted to insert tubes in my ducts but I thought, why a surgery? Began using Flonase a month ago and my problem has diminished quite substantially. For now, I am very satisfied with the product. In this short time, Flonase has already made up for most of the misery I have had with my eyes for the past 2 years. As with any medication, each user responds differently. Always follow the 'advice' your body tells you and respond accordingly.