Zolpidem tatrate (zolpidem tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zolpidem tatrate (zolpidem tartrate)

It would lose effectiveness if I took it every night, but on nights I take it, I get great sleep.

Point less not doing. Anything sleepy

ZOLPIDEM TATRATE (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE): Zolpidem is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. This medication is usually limited to short treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Nausea, ringing ears, strange taste in mouth, diarrhea, dehydration, insomnia, worsening pain in chest, acid reflux.

bloating, decreased libido, anxiety, chest pain, ear pain and stuffiness, irritability, hair texture change, forgetfulness, dry eyes,irritable bowel syndrome

I have switched to Mircette after experiencing mood swings from Ortho-Lo. If only I knew how much worse this pill was going to make me! I am crying constantly (my boyfriend doesn't know what to do anymore) and I am always moody. Lately it has gotten so bad that at times I even experience suicidal thoughts! I have never been emotionally unstable, so this is really scary for me. I feel completely out of control. I didn't know how seriously I should have taken my doctor when she said that

didn't seem to have any helpful effect whatsoever on my sleep - in fact, i slept better and was less groggy after i stopped taking this medication.

I took 20 mg. Works like a charm. But severe heartburn and leg pains on 2nd and 3rd nights kept me from getting a decent night's sleep. They respond to Tums and ibuprofin, but who needs a cocktail like that just to get to sleep. Also so dizzy when I got up out of bed that i almost fell over. Had "bedspins" 3rd night as though drunk - not so sexy. Will never take a full 20 mg again...next time may try 5mg and see if that works.

I was supposed to take 10mg for 10 days. I took it for 8 days and stopped. I couldn't handle it. So far no period.

my father took this medication. he wasn't a complainer, so I really don't know if anything else was going on. I cared for him 24 hrs a day. I didn't notice he was turning yellow, but my husband did. we contacted his dr who told us to stop giving it to him. 2 weeks later he passed. worst day of my life! he probably would have passed sooner but the previous year he had a pacemaker put in, so as his system was shutting down the pacemaker kept him going. I don't think it really helped his depression either. I wish they would take this product off the market. however I don't see any ads for this any longer. if you have someone you love that's taking this I urge you to find something else. I feel there are to many products on the market that are bad. too may politicians are getting paid to make sure meds like this are on the market regardless the consequences.

severe irritability, cried alot, crampy, sweats, increased hunger and decreased hunger, dizziness, muscle aches and at times pain, headaches, naseau, sleepy, radiating heat in my vagina (more than normal like i need to go to the bathroom), frequent urination

I took Zyprexa for many years, and I cannot say it helped all that much, but if I missed my bedtime dose for any reason, I could not sleep. I stopped the Zyrexa over two years ago and still had really bad insomnia. Seroquel has taken care of that, and I actually have dreams at night again - good dreams, not the nightmares I get from the benzos or Lunesta !

It helps with the pain and tingling and severe fatigue I experieced so I can function yet the side effects are very challenging too. Mostly I'm glad I can function and continue to work.