Zipsor (diclofenac potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zipsor (diclofenac potassium)

Taken when needed to lower extreme facial pain, nerve branch. Used with food and not just before laying down for bed. Really helps take the edge off. Other posters talked about ulcers and throat pain. Any drug in this category can aggravate your gi track, use with caution, stop at first sign - read the paper work that comes with it. Otherwise this is the most friendly drug in this category.

This medication gave a good deal of relief with only one side aggravated my ulcer so I had to discontinue use. For those without ulcer issues this is a great medication.

Seems to work better for me than Aleve, Motrin, Advil, etc, with no associated stomach pain.

Bone and Joint pain from Lupus

I was prescribed Zipsor for bone and joint pain associated with Lupus. I also have 3 herniated discs that have been bothering me for years, and for which I have always taken a low dose of Vicodin (almost daily). The Zipsor works well on the Lupus pain, but also almost completely wiped out the pain from the herniated discs, and has replaced my usual narcotic pain relief for my back. As with any disc issues there seems to be the occasional flare up, but when they do occur now they are minor, and once I take my usual dose of Zipsor, the pain is gone again. I have had no recognizable side effects.

low back pain, DDD, anular tear L4-

Gave pretty good pain relief, with no side effects, and is very fast acting. Better than mobic.

stiff neck, tightness in shoulders, muscle pain

Pharingitis (very sore throat)

Haven't really experienced any side effects thankfully. This medicine seems to work very well

My throat still hurts while on it; however the pain is tolerable and I am able to function through the day until my virus works its course and I am finally over this horrible sore throat!

ZIPSOR (DICLOFENAC POTASSIUM): Diclofenac is used to relieve pain and swelling (inflammation) from various mild to moderate painful conditions. It is used to treat muscle aches, backaches, dental pain, menstrual cramps, and sports injuries. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis. Reducing these symptoms helps you do more of your normal daily activities. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I experienced terrible stomach cramps, feeling nauseated, anxiety and inability to sleep. My doctor stated that I had been prescribed Erythromycin before for a chest infection and never had any side effects so it may be the brand.I tried three different brands and had no joy, experiencing the same side effects every time. The Pharmacist got frustrated and so did I so I have decided to quit.

I was taking this drug for bronchitis, and was prescribed it because it's not very expensive. You definitely get what you pay for! The past three weeks have been hell; the first week AFTER I stopped it I had diarrhea and stomach pains every day; into the second week now and the diarrhea has stopped but still getting the stomach pains. I have overactive digestion as it is, and this medication has almost completely killed my stomach. Definitely stock up on probiotic yogourt, as you need to eat it at least 3x daily restore the good bacteria in your stomach that this crap kills off. To top it off, I now have to start a new script (different medication thankfully) to treat my bronchitis, but I have to wait until all my side effects have subsided, hopefully by the end of this week. I'm one of the lucky ones who has taken this medication; my aunt was on it for the same reason, and was hospitalized after a few days because her stomach began to bleed.

Suffered with ongoing headaches throughout the day, but this can be minimised by ensuring to drink the recommended amount of water in a day; Nausea kicked in from time to time, but could be due to forgetting to eat, as engrossed in activity (possibly excitement from being able to focus a lot, after so many years of not doing so); Mood swings are definitely my biggest problem with this drug. I don't feel like myself anymore and I find that I am a lot more quiet, more irritable, and more prone to reacting negatively to pressure than I used to be. I find it a lot more difficult to be around my friends as I don't feel like I have much to say anymore. As strange as it sounds, I feel like my soul has been extracted from my body and replaced with one that's robotic and isn't a real person. I have no idea whether or not these side effects are temporary and whether I get them so severely because I have only just started taking them. I have definitely been a lot more productive and am able to use my time effectively and I'm really glad. But by all means, I feel very unhappy and I would like to be myself again.

The first dosage I took in the evening with dinner, went to bed about 8pm and slept until 11am the next day, that worried me, so I skipped a day, the next dosage, was in the afternoon after church with dinner, approx. 4pm, I felt like I was high, I was stumbling around, I finally went to bed at 8pm, got a few calls and text msg, did not hear anything, I was out unitl about 4:30am I don't like this at all....

Both achilles tendons are painful, even to the touch. Calves are taught and sore and I am having problems making my way down stairs. Trying to be very careful when walking for fear of a rupture.

First few days, a little itchy sensation in my back. Thought it was dry day 5-had to stop med. completey. Spider bite was better, but HORRIFIC itching and getting bit feeling all throughout my body, especially my back. When trying to sleep..HORRIBLE. Had to take zyrtec and benedryl. Off med for 2 days, still waiting for HORRIFIC itching and biting feelings to stop.

2x days 500 mg.It looks like I finally found the right drug for this terrible bacteria (resistant to almost everything?!), it has been travelling trough my whole body. I don't care if I'm sick for a week as long as this will go away!And please people, take your whole prescription or at least contact your MD if you plan to quit, because stopping early creates resistant bacteria. This will not only be your problem but also ours!

Never would I take this pill again. It has totally messed up my body.

When I started it worked just fine then it stopped lowering my pressure. I had Bad leg cramps ache all the time dry mouth. And the Dr put me on both Diovan and Exforge. Will change this week

This is the only antidepressant I've ever been on that has seemed to help. Other antidepressants either didn't work at all, or made me extremely manic. It was a last resort and I'm glad I tried it because it has really helped me. The side effects are hard to deal with sometimes, but it helps and that's what counts. Also, it is very important to follow the diet because I ate the wrong food once and ended up in the ER.