Zioptan (tafluprost) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zioptan (tafluprost)

Extreme fatigue, heart beats fast, general unwell feeling.. will seek alternative options

It may have no preservatives, however the side effects are horrendous.

Sinus and throat irritation. Headache, sneezing, fatigue. I have felt like I am getting sick all the time. I have tried this twice. Same side effects both times

General feeling of tiredness and discomfort from taking one drop once a day in one eye.Feeling usually return to normal in about 15 hours after last drop taken. It does lower eye pressure from 16 down to 13 but at a serious price

ZIOPTAN (TAFLUPROST): Tafluprost is used to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open-angle type) or other eye diseases (such as ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye can help prevent blindness. This medication works by regulating the flow of fluid within the eye to maintain a normal pressure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Headache, heavy breathing, loss of appetite, anxiety, crying spells, jitteriness, broken sleep, loss of concentration, lack of energy.

I have started taking Lyrica three days ago due to Atypical Face Pain. I had to take Panacod for pain relief still during the first two days but today I am pain-free without the Panacod, so Lyrica is working for pain relief. Only that I feel really drunk, problems to keep my eyes open, feel like sleeping, which is not the best when you have to work. I hope this goes away as I really don't want the pain to come back but I can not go to work in this state of dizziness.

I took two pills 4 hours apart. A few hours later I was getting major cramping (somewhat to labor pains) it took a few hours to pass stool. All night I continued with cramping and diarrhea. The morning brought more cramping and blood in stool. I did not take any more of the antibiotic. The cramps and diarrhea left me exhausted the next day. Continued with cramping well into late morning.

I started out a couple of weeks ago taking 7.5 mgs twice a day. I just started taking my 15 mgs twice a day a few days ago. I can already tell a little difference. I know that the full affects are not there yet but I feel better. I went to a potluck yesterday and someone's dog accidentally knocked over a bag with my salad bowl in it and it broke. The hostess felt bad that my bowl broke but I wasn't upset about it at all. I mean, normally, I would have been a little sad (but not upset) but I was like, "eh". It didn't matter! And this stuff still lets me feel my feelings. I just don't worry constantly about stuff anymore. My DH's job was outsourced and that was the source of my anxiety. So, this Buspar really makes it easier to deal with.

This drug makes you sleep but it is not a restorative kind of sleep. After a few days you develop a tolerance to it and cannot sleep at all...Stopping it is very difficult too as with any benzo. You suffer rebound insomnia plus extreme anxiety during withdrawal. Not worth it! It also gave me akathisia which is very scary.

Chronic muscle and joint pain three days after initial dose.Now 4 weeks without relief. Medical tests reveal nothing.

This is only the second time in 15 years I have taken this drug. The first time, I had almost no side effects. I wish I could say the same for this go-around. I have never felt so removed from reality as I do now. My respiratory infection is clearing up, but the side effects are making me feel almost worse than when I was bed/couch-ridden. The vivid nightmares make it almost impossible to sleep, and when I do, I wake up disoriented, depressed and weak. No rash or hives, but my tongue feels a bit swollen and I really wish I felt like eating, but when I do, my taste buds feel numb. I'll finish the dose, but I will never take this drug again.

Extreme burning, itching and extreme pain (swollen and redness) that did not stop. Absolutely agonizing. Wish I had read reviews about Monistat before inserting it. The second day I inserted it, it instantly started burning and caused unbearable pain again. I started reading reviews and ended up in the shower trying to get it all out of me. Once I managed to remove as much product as possible, the pain stopped.

I take Bupropion but I think it's the same thing. I am also very surprised because I have tried about 7 different AD drugs over the last 30 years, the latest were Prozac which was awful, then Cymbalta which had little to no effect like the others. Wellbutrin was suggested to me by a friend, so I asked my doctor for it thinking, it can't hurt anything. I'm very glad I did. It has no noticeable side effects besides the dry mouth, and it helps me focus as well as lifting my mood.

This is the first time I have had Bv. The antibiotic gave me a yeast infection but I get those frequtly after 27 years of Type I diabetes and almost every time I have ever used any antibiotics.