Zenpep (pancrelipase (amylase;lipase;protease)) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zenpep (pancrelipase (amylase;lipase;protease))

Headaches, lucid dream/hallucination, tightening of the chest, increase in blood pressure.

Tried it for one day, had to immediately stop due to chest pain, and woosey feeling in my head. Side effects worsened overnight, but we're gone within 24 hours.

I don't get sleepy or bloated or have pain now after eating. I use this about 4 pills a day. Keeps getting better with digesting food and helps blood sugar stay at a normal levels

This drug made me violently ill. I had severe stomach pains, diarrhea, nausea and headaches. This drug is very expensive and I feel that I wasted a lot of money on it.

ZENPEP (PANCRELIPASE (AMYLASE;LIPASE;PROTEASE)): This medication contains digestive enzymes to help break down and digest fats, starch, and proteins in food. It is used in conditions where the pancreas cannot make or does not release enough digestive enzymes into the small intestines to digest the food (e.g., chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, cancer of the pancreas, post-pancreatectomy, post-gastrointestinal bypass surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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3mg/night. No side-effects at first. Great sleep. Well-rested in the morning. Never a bad taste unless I broke the pill in half. Changed my life for the better. ...now I've been on it 4 years. Want to get off. Tried but after a few days can't afford to not sleep (work). In the past year I have noticed worsening foggy head, difficult memory, depressive thoughts. Used to feel sharp and alert always. These days I just feel foggy and ...dumb. (for lack of better term). If I do not have my pill I don't sleep. I lay awake and feel anxious and jittery. I also must take it when I've had alcohol or no sleep. I am physically very fit and healthy, don't smoke, don't do drugs, eat healthy and take vitamins. Now, I feel Lunesta is numbing my brain.

Tired. Extremely Tired. Insufficient pain relief.

I had a very hard time with this drug. As I had a lot of symptoms from my PMS/PMDD so at first it was hard to distinguish what was caused by what. After a month my symptoms seemed to get better for a couple months then about 6 weks ago they got drastically worse. I am now getting off Effexor and going back on Prozac which helped in the past. Very scared of the withdrawal symptoms, wish I'd been better informed when prescribed this drug. Don't know why the Dr. didn't just try Prozac again, maybe the drug rep said push the Effexor.

i have had moderate to severe acne on my face for the past 7 years and have tried all of the treatments available. i diddent want to take acutane at first beeacuse of all of the horror stories that i read about on the internet. (this was a very bad decision) after the first week i could see an increadible improvment that is continuing. i know that alot of people may experience depression as a side effect, however the exact opposit is true for me. i was depressed before taking the drug, and now i would say that the depression has gone away due to the increased self confidence and image that accutane has provided to me. i would recomend this drug to anyone who is having problems with acne, but be sure to consult your doctor

almost none. biggest worry was throwing up which i experienced a couple times a day. only very mild cramping and very brief bleeding and passing of bloodclots. didnt even take the prescription pain meds, just 2 advil and still felt alright.

Just started taking Actos 15 mg's once a day added to my metformin and byetta and my numbers are actually slowing going up. First reading this am was 425 Does it take a while for this to work and did anyone else see a rise in their numbers? Thinking about just going off of this before the inevitable weight gain starts along with all the other symptoms. Does anything work for diabetes that doesn't have major side effects?

I was prescribed the Nasonex because of nasal drip to see if it was connected with night 'chokings' - a feeling of total constriction in the throat when asleep and then sudden panic waking. Nasonex has helped this since I haven't had a night choking since taking it.

This medicine has been VERY hard on my stomach. I'm currently taking 100mg three times a day. My Dr. is now recommending I try 2 pills at night to see if I can tolerate it but I'm in so much pain that I think I'm going to go off of it completely and then slowly start taking a smaller dose if/when I need to.