Zenatane (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zenatane (isotretinoin)

dry skin and lipsgradully went from 30 mg a day to 60 mg per day.

No problems with lipid tests or other blood testing. My doctor chose to do these tests for about 3 months after the baseline - but then stopped as everything was normal. Please note that this (isotretinoin) is not a chemo drug. The other poster is confusing it with another medication.check outhttps://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=3ef0cff8-19c1-4441-b780-fca6c7ee16154

very dry lips; sometimes cracked. Overall it’s not a bad experience for me.' ’

took the dosage once a day at night. Greatly improved the acne. Waiting to see if it lasts as the regimen is complete.

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

Nightmare poison drug. All the terrible permanent side effects can hit you AFTER YOU STOP TAKING THiS HORRIFIC chemotherapy!!! Started for me after stopping it. Even if you feel ok while you're on your course, it doesn't matter...just wait for the nightmare of your body falling apart and degenerating to begin. It really is THAT bad. Human poison, rot in hell to the makers of this. My life is over because of it.

ZENATANE (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Constipation. Past that this has been the difference between me curled up on the floor screaming and being able to function. I had a spondylohesis that caused pain and constant muscle spasms that got bad enough that it had to be fused before paralysis occured. Still have back spams that I have muscle relaxers for, but the Opana ER knocks my pain down enough to liveable levels.

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At full dose, developed heartburn and burning tongue (from the heartburn). Apparently it changed my pH.

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I suffered with panic attacks from my teenage years until my mid-thirties. I would not drive at night, stay alone at night, drive over bridges etc. I had seen multiple Doctors and taken multiple meds. Then I went to one that said try this drug...old anti-seizure med that might work. From the first week on it, I have been panic free. I have not increased my dose over 20 years and I have my life back. I drive long distances without anyone, I fly alone, I stay in motels at night alone...I am living again!! I will take it forever without hesitation.

HOLY HELL! make sure you follow the directions... this shit burns like fire. minor swelling, burning, cussing, swearing, and cursing god.

I have been on Lexapro for a long, long time. I have to tell you that when I first took it, I had the side effects I've listed, but they WENT AWAY. I lost the weight through swimming, my libido is as obscene as it ever was, and I feel normal which means...well, undepressed. I plan on taking it for a long time, because I'm a chronic depressive. This medicine helps me.

Dry throat/dehydration, Constipation, sleep difficulties, mood swings, depression, lethargy, sweating/feeling hot all the time, acne (mainly on back and shoulders). 1 night of proper scary hallucinations (was convinced people were grabbing my face/head and trying to stab me!).Had been taking Tramadol for back pain for 18months prior to motorcycle accident, which I feel reduced my reactions to morphine sulphate as my system is used to opiate type pain relief (Tramadol initially caused itching, dizziness/light headed and mild nausea). Morphine Sulphate is great at relieving the pain of my complex talus, pelvic and lumbar fractures, however it doesn't seem to help with coxsyx pain and it wears off within approx 4hrs. I also have Oramorph for relief between the 12 hourly tablets.

Claritin D is highly recommended for allergies! I have been taking it for 2 months. I am concerned that it I have become "addicted" to it. I also experience vaginal dryness which has NEVER been an issue before. I have also lost "interest" in sex...again, never an issue before. I am not sure whether the claritin is the cause of the lack of interest in sex or the reason (vaginal dryness). Even though I feel slighly addicted to Clartin...I am attempting to wean myself off of it so I can enjoy my sex life again.However, when allergy season comes into full swing again....I will be taking it again.