Zemplar (paricalcitol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zemplar (paricalcitol)

Restless legs at night and when I would sit for a short time.iching skin, irritable.

ZEMPLAR (PARICALCITOL): Paricalcitol is used to treat and prevent high levels of a certain natural substance made by the body (parathyroid hormone) in patients with long-term kidney disease. In these patients, the high level of parathyroid hormone is caused by a low level of calcium and a certain kind of vitamin D. Too much parathyroid hormone can cause serious problems such as bone disorders. Paricalcitol is a man-made form of vitamin D. It helps to reduce parathyroid hormone levels and may help your body absorb calcium and phosphorus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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