Zegerid otc (omeprazole; sodium bicarbonate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zegerid otc (omeprazole; sodium bicarbonate)

Quite a bit of abdominal gas in the early morning after taking it before bed.

I also take 40 mg of Nexium first thing in the morning. Between the two, I've not felt better in years.

No side effects at all. OTC pill hard to swallow due to its large size.

This medication is a miracle medication for me. I have tried every prescription and non-prescription medication for acid reflux, and this is the only one that does anything. I take it 30 minutes before every meal. The presciption powdered form did work better, but I don't mind the lesser amount of money for the OTC version. If you get a lump in your throat from acid reflux - this medication will be your salvation!

Headache, stomach cramps, jitters.

Worked on the acid reflux but the side effects were not worth it. Going back to Nexium - expensive but no side effects.

Side Effects forzegerid otc (omeprazole; sodium bicarbonate) - User Comments


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Initially some drowsiness, which passed in a week or so.

Ive been taking klonipin for 3and a half yrs.it will kill my night/daymares but only with a combination of other drugs i cant go with out it im hooked i guess but i cant cope if i dont have it i take 3mg.s a day along with400mgwellbutrin,200mg.provigil nightly w/my klonipins 45mg.remeron,20mg.geodon,500mg.depakote but if i dont take it w/those other 3meds it doesnt kill the nightmares and somedays when i feel like iwant to check myself in i take about 7mg. i wish i felt that warm fuzzy feeling someothers described.i dont ever see myself living w/out it will be in my toxicology report the medical examiner orders.i know you will build a tolerance to it quickly and you have to suffer cuz you dont want the dr. to think ur selling to get them to up ur mgs.but overall i dont think i would not be out in society without it.it is a blessing for those and people shouldnt take advantage of it and take away something that helped save lives just because they feel addicted.

this caused a bit of insomnia at first. I need to keep hydrated because I don't feel thirsty enough to get the desired amount of water in my system.

Seriously increased blood pressure and resting heart rate! A year ago it was a normal healthy bp and today discovered it's 140/59 with a resting heart rate of 99. I'm a 35 yo healthy female. I have the vitals of an old woman in terrible condition and in danger of a stroke b/c of Effexor!

AWFUL!! Horrendous nightmares. Freezing cold, tingling, personality change, couldn't complete sentences, tearfully emotional. Like I was inside my body but a different person was controlling it. Didn't get bad until I reached 75 mg. daily. Would never recommed this to anyone-ever. The weight loss was great because food tasted awful, especially soda, but not worth the rest. Guess that is why they quit prescribing it for weight loss.

NO appetite, i feel like it lasts forever, and even when it does wear off i cannot sleep, my racing thoughts constantly keep me up. I also seem to sweat a lot even when its not hot. When i first take it makes me feel really happy, then After four or five hours i get really irritated and kind of sad, it might be because i have gone the whole day without eating... BUT it does definitely work, i can get a lot of stuff done and i am way more productive.

Any suggestions to control facial flushing?

Severe gas and bloating, with diarrhea and nausea.

Incredible pain relief when morphine was not working, however the ITCHING all over - particularly the face - is so severe I would not use it again. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) did not ease the itching.

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