Zantac 360 (famotidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zantac 360 (famotidine)

I'm still taking this medication. It's going really well now. All the reactions I was having to medication had to do with my extreme Vitamin D deficiency that was affecting my MCAS, once that got sorted I didn't have side effects after taking the Famotidine. I take PepcidAC now by the way.

Side Effects forzantac 360 (famotidine) - User Comments


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prevent pregnacny and ovian cysts

the very first week i had about 2 days of spotting, and for the first 2 packs i had cramps almost everyday, but they werent bad (just a bit annoying). by the third pack, the cramps had ceased, but my breasts hurt. ive also noticed an increased appetite, but there was very little weight gain. i havent really noticed a deacreased sex drive, but i have been a little moodier right before my period.

Loss of appetite, mild hand tremmors, feeling a little disoriented and increased energy

oily stools, bright orange oily discharge, 1 accident after eating chinese food, a bit constipated

Really tired I seemed drunk and high I felt even more depressed then before and had a higher thought of suicide

blurred vision on left eye, pelvic pressure, head pressure, fatigue, light sensitivity, sore muscles, burning when urinating

I am 24 and I have taken Adderall over two years ago, I'm just going to say that it is the absolute WORST drug to take. It made my stomach hurt, gave me intense anxiety, made my eyes water like crazy, lost personality, Constant migraines everyday, Eating disorder, major weight loss, lost emotion, Just felt numbed. I felt like a literal robot!! I usually talk ALOT! But when I was on it, I just Barely talked. DO NOT GO ON THIS I also missed sleep because of it.

I was given this medication due to either having giardia or IBS; the irony is that my stools became looser. I am unable to determine if I've been helped. The side effects have been very difficult - I am not someone who has suffered from depression and it just came on very strongly.

pain in my arms and legs, stomach cramps so bad that you could not touch my lower stomach without the pain shooting though my body

I am very sensitive to medication, and had a bad side effect from Prevacid, and Zoloft. I went off both meds, but anxiety, restlessness, and panic attacks remained. Went off all meds except Clonazepam. Now I feel great, and can sleep well. I took this before with a similar problem with a medication, and I was on it for a few months, and had absolutely no problem dosing down. This is one of the very few medications that I do not have a problem with.