Xtandi (enzalutamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xtandi (enzalutamide)

Extreme tiredness and lassitude. Couldn't get out of bed several times. Dry mouth and altered taste of food and beverages.

Was put on this medication as my PSA was rising. This drug is truly awful, making it made me into a zombie with no energy to get out of bed several times. or do minimal tasks around the house. Killed my appetite producing a most unpleasant tast and dryness in my mouth. I stopped it and won't go back on it no matter what.

onset Insomnia is hell when taking 4 tabs a day got better when i reduced the dose.

castrate resistant prostate cancer

Piece of crap drug it does not work. Junk drug and a big ripoff

The drug does not work piece of crap. Got off the drug and my psa went down

XTANDI (ENZALUTAMIDE): Enzalutamide is used to treat men with a certain type of prostate cancer. This type of prostate cancer has not responded to other treatments to lower the male hormone testosterone. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as anti-androgens (anti-testosterone). It works by blocking the effects of testosterone to slow the growth and spread of prostate cancer. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I just went on the ortho evra 3 weeks ago, the first day I put it on i was good the next day I experienced dizziness nausea and vomiting. Through out the week I had it it went away the second week when I placed a new one again nausea and vomiting then ill be fine a couple of days later now that I'm on the third week I'm experiencing nausea everyday. It works good but it's not for me I feel terrible!!

Anxiety, feelings of panic, sweating on my face, breaking into a sweat while in bed, feeling like I'm going to die. A year and a half ago, I went to the ER because I felt like my heart was beating strangely also, I was sweating profusely. While being examined, my heart rate dropped to 30 MPM and the nurses had to dry me off as I was sweating everywhere. They hospitalized me for a day and a half. Blood tests, ultra sounds, and tread mill stress tests were done but, nothing was found. The Doctors told me it was just one of those unexplained things.

After three days UTI was worse. called the PA She called in another round UTI was still there she was going to prescribe another drug and I decided to go on natural route flushing it out with water cranberry juice herbs hoping I'd get better on my own.

Anxiety, night terrors, personality change, emotionality, tics

I am very careful about how often I take this so that my doctor will not worry that I am abusing the medication.