Xolair (omalizumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xolair (omalizumab)

This is magic! Not only did it help with the hives & asthma, all of my allergies improved. Nothing short of miraculous

Was having weird allergic reactions to just about everything, couldn't find anything that worked. Allergist suggested to use this because I was also getting a skin rash and nothing was working to stop my anaphylactic reactions. This is a miracle drug for me but this last injection I got an all over body rash not sure if it's related to injection but not on any other medications and have eliminated any other outside reasons.

But it truly had saved my life so need to see what an allergist says

Xolair is honestly a miracle drug for me. I had been experiencing full body hives (autoimmune urticaria) for months and I had reached my breaking point as no antihistamine worked. Then came Xolair. It took some time to work so you have to be patient but once it did, my quality of life dramatically improved. I no longer experience hives although I can tell when it is wearing off because I will start to itch a bit ( nowhere close to what my hives were like before). I receive monthly injections.

Allergic asthma and bronchiectasis

Mild headache direct after treatment. High bloodpressure. Aches and pains in joints for about 3 days after treatment.

Huge improvement in lung capacity. Life changing medicine. Thank you!

Idiopathic angioedema and urticaria

Just had my 1st dose 3 days ago. Painless shot in both arms. Had to be observed at the immunologist office for 2 hrs. post shot, but did not have any ill effects. Can't say for certain if it is going to work in the long run, but I did experience less angioedema within the first day.

XOLAIR (OMALIZUMAB): Omalizumab is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma that is due to year-round allergens. Controlling symptoms of asthma helps you maintain your normal activities and cuts down on time lost from work or school. Omalizumab is also used to treat hives from an unknown cause (chronic idiopathic urticaria-CIU). This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, salbutamol) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took 100 mg of spironolactone per day for 2 years. The first year I lost 40 pounds and 6 dress sizes without effort. My hair loss stopped although it didn't grow back. My existing hair grew really, really fast. My skin got clear and beautiful. The only thing was that I had a period every 2 weeks for the 2 years. I thought it was still worth it though. I only quit it to try and get pregnant.

not many, maybe occasional aches and i needed the loo more than normal, but i was never hungry. it seemed to take away all urges to eat.

extremem restlessness, nervousness, I couldn't sleep, would toss and turn. WHen I did sleep I woke up hour on the hour. I felt blah about everything. Increased appetite.I gained 10 pounds in one money. Trembling and shaking hands.

I was started on codeine in 1984 and progressed through vicodin, percocet, then to Oramorph which I am on now. I have had no adverse effects. One time the VA sent me MS Contin instead of Oramorph and it did not work as well. I had to take immediate release morphine to get ANY pain relief.

No noticeable side effects until dosage was increased from 50 to 100mgs, then I noticed decrease in sex drive and increase in weight gain.