Xiidra (lifitegrast) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xiidra (lifitegrast)

XIIDRA (LIFITEGRAST): This medication is used to treat dry eye disease. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have long standing depression / anxiety / OCD. Went off Luvox in April after five years on and 25lbs later AND sexual side effects. I needed something for my depression and anxiety but did not and do not want to take any SSRI's. I was able to get brand name Wellbutrin XL after reading reviews of the generic. I experienced severe depression a few weeks into taking it, I upped the dose to 300mgs and began taking it in the am because of severe insomnia. This made me so naseaus I could barely function, along with headaches, continued insomnia and dramatic hopelessness. I finally stopped taking it after two months of pretty much agony. It did stop a lot of my worrying, but the other side effects were not worth it. I wil say, I lost 10lbs. Not sure if that was getting off an SSRI or getting on this, or both. Defniitely not for me.

a bit more painful cramps a few days before my period and slight weight gain.

This insidious drug should be banned!! It has ruined my health and is ruining my heart because I need to keep taking the darn meds for the afib and blood pressure that it caused. I had a partial hysterectomy because it is better for the heart. Well, that backfired because this drug has caused Atrial Fibulation of my heart. I suggest anyone to take magnesium glycinate, NAC and probiotics and research other things you can take to try and get your health back. I am four years out and still have symptoms and they keep coming. Some have gone but others come. It is very sad. Stay away from this one and Cipro and Avelox and any other Fluoroquinolone antibiotics or their generic versions!! Azithromycin (z pack) can also cause heart issues. Check the internet for healing and other help. The fda needs to stop this drug, they already have black box warnings now take it off the effing market!! I mean wth!! It should be reserved for near death situations only, not a simple uti or ear or sinus infection!! Inform your family and friends about this, you may save their life! Get yourself checked for aortic dissection, aortic aneurism and your heart if you have taken any of these!

dry lips, ichy head, dry spots on face, and dry mouth

I think it did help my allergies, but I will probably only take it when absolutely necessary, like while camping in the woods or when I know I'll be around pet dander for an extended perios of time.

MAJOR GAS- helped to take acedophyllis pills from vitamin store.Weird dreamsItching

Severe abdominal pain and cramping the day after taking Boniva. Started in upper GI tract and worked it's way down. General feeling of flu-like illness. Three days in bed, unable to much of anything. Painful to walk around.It took about ten days to start feeling better.

It's been 4 days, and I am exhausted all of the time. I have not been to work since I started the medication. I'm anxious, can't relax, and tired. I usually work out 6 days a week, but I've been on the sidelines ever since I started.

Sinus infection/double ear infectio

Severe cramping, dark brown/black discharge, mood swings,and headaches