Xartemis xr (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xartemis xr (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

Sleepiness at first but then none

It was AMAZING to find a drug that lasted longer than a few hrs, eased my pain, and did not make me feel woozy! This was a miracle drug! Downside--it really only lasted 8 hrs not 12.

Side Effects forxartemis xr (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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vomitting, nausea, nervousness, insomnia

weight gain!! switched to cytomel (generic) lost the weight and got the same desired TSH level

I thought I was going crazy until I found this site. My doctor wants me to continue taking Prilosec, but prescribed xanax, prozac, wants an abdominal ultrasound, to send me to physical therapy for leg pain and to wear a Holter monitor for two days for palpitations. All other tests are normal. All this could be from Prilosec? Anyone know how long these symptoms last after discontinuation? What is best to do in the meantime to get through this? Email with advice please. I'm stopping today.

Headaches irritated sinuses and pain

Mild changes in behaviour. Mild increase in sweating ***** Most people here complaining about DEPRESSION-like symptoms are generally confusing the nicotine-withdrawal symptom as a Zyban side-effect, which it is NOT!!! Depression is a highly common symptom of NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL.

Bring on the drugs! I LOVE versed and fentanyl. I've had this combo multiple times for different surgeries and have never had a bum experience. I don't know why anyone would want to remember their procedure. I don't, so versed is a wonderful drug in my opinion. Nausea is caused by narcotics. My mom can't handle demerol but does okay with fentanyl. They can also add an anti nausea drug to the cocktail so you don't vomit or feel sick. I don't know what anti-nausea drug was used on me but I never felt nauseous. I just slept it off.

It’s awful, but guess if it works though, try anything once!

More Hungry, sligth body malaise, hair loss, sweaty

Swollen breasts, anti-social, and emotional.I got my period on the 6th day of taking it but it came so heavy I couldn't leave my house! Luckily it was so I could take birth control to maintain my heavy periods.

Bloating, indigestion, some muscle weakness, nausea, fatigue and insomnia. These side effects eventually lessened as I continued the medication. I took it once a week.