Winlevi (clascoterone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Winlevi (clascoterone)

some separation in the cream that causes liquid

Side Effects forwinlevi (clascoterone) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

No negative side effects. It just helped me feel better

Part of my dizziness and unbalanced gait was due to inner ear virus, but the medrol appeared to help. Then by day 3 it was returning along with many additional unpleasant side affects. The worse was aggression. My family member told me to stop taking it as I am very patient and kind by nature and displayed unusual hostility. It was like I could not control it. This left me scared and depressed. They only other med I was given was adivert which is basically Dramamine. I will not ever take this again unless there are zero options. I stopped 2 days early.

In conjunction with 30 mg Remeron at night, this has been a fantastic combination to control my anxiety disorder. Was on xanax for over 2 years and could never dose correctly, had panic break through daily. With klonopin i dose once in the morning and early evening and I'm golden. No more break thru panic. I am more scared of Anti depressant withdrawal (been thru that) than benzo, should I ever decide to stop taking. There should not be one negative comment on this board unless you had a paradoxical reaction to this med. I will happily take this med forever should I need to. I am prescribed 1.5 mg a day and I manage on only .5mg and somedays none.

Diarrhea, dizziness, headache.

Do not give to young child whi cannot express his feelings thru out.

Our Health Service is giving this to anyone that gives the right answers to the questions. These side effects are going to cost our country a fortune. Steer clear this drug is dangerous. It isn't worth taking the risk.

Buying a test tonight just to be sure... :-)

i do not have any bad side effects on this drug

It is hard for me to get from class to class and extreamly hard to stay awake. i also get frequent nausia.

Dry mouth, drowsiness and fatigue in the morning