Vtama (tapinarof) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vtama (tapinarof)

I used it for 3 weeks. Started noticng the difference.Then my body started itching and body ache. Left hand and leg numbing.. doctor said stop using it..

This stuff is miraculous. No color, no scent, not greasy, disappears into skin. About 18 days after starting my skin was free from plaques. Where has this been all my life? The pharmacist said if it works, stop using it and start again when you need it. It took 9 weeks to need it again. Nine weeks without thinking about it. Is this a dream? I’m in love!

I got Vtama or Tapinarof from my GP who read a review of it in Dermatology Times. It’s a topical cream with no steroids. It took around 3 weeks to start working and I used it for @ little over three months and I was cleared up. My doctor said to use it again if any more symptoms show up, but it took almost 2 months for that to happen. I love this.

Vtama (tapinarof): To treat plaque psoriasis (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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none so far. the pharmacist told me to only take it with food because it would definitely make me sick. i quit taking birth control in september and have not had a period since. never had a problem with irregular periods before, so the doc said this should help get me started. only taking it for 5 days, am on my 3rd day

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