Vraylar (cariprazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vraylar (cariprazine hydrochloride)

It makes me move a lot can't settle down but I feel good so I'm going to hope I calm down.

Had horrible side effects. Anxiety, uncontrollable movement, trouble breathing, restless, throat issues plus more.

I took one dose and I felt worse than I ever felt

This drug started helping really well at first, but all of a sudden I started feeling horrible and felt suicidal, had to stop taking and fast.

Increased anxiety, panic attacks

I've become afraid of things that never bothered me. I'm afraid to drive( I've always been an excellent driver). I'm afraid of escalators. However; Vraylar did calm down the mixed episode, but I don't think I can continue to deal with the panic attacks.

Some nightmares in beginning and some weight gain. Sleep a little less than usual.

So far so good. I am well pleased with it at this point.

I think I'm getting anxiety when it starts to wear off during the day because the anxiety goes away 2 hours after dosing. I think this will go away soon hopefully when it reaches steady state, will update. Tired at first but that went away.

I like it. I hope that it helps me. I am hopeful.

Have to take at night because it makes me tired. Waking up is okay though.

Good experience so far. Thoughts are racing less already. Will update.

I felt like a new person happy a lot of energy for the 1st 6 weeks then all of a sudden I got akasthesea could not stop moving my body was continuously Vibrating and I started to feel depressed again I had to get off it immediately

Best damn bipolar medicine I ever came across.. oh how I have wasted so many years I medicine I thought was helping but really wasn't.. I realized this once I got on this med. I struggled with suicidal depression almost everyday but since I've been on this med I have had not one battle with depression. The only down is that it has made me gain some weight but I can deal with a little weight gain at the price for being able to feel like the real me again without mood swings and depression. I highly recommend this to all you bipolar and depressive peeps!

Little restless in the beginning.

No bad side effects.More energy and works against the psychos.

No mania or severe depression since I started it

This medication saved my life! I actually want to live and participate in life. It has been amazing! And I have tried many other drugs over past 20 years

Been on the medication for about 2 weeks now and so far so good.

Akathasia, teeth grinding, restlessness, mood was amazing though.

maybe i didnt take vraylar long enough oh well, on to the next medication- geodon.

Really helps with depression and feeling balanced

I've had dry mouth and my sleep now includes waking up at 3 am.

I've had a lot of side effects from antipsychotics and I'm not real happy about being on this med. I'll talk to my doctor.

Insomnia, headaches, dry mouth

This Med has helped since day 1 to level my moods. I'm in a real good place in life so I want to try to wean off now and see effects after.

Anxiety, paranoia, sweating, loss of sleep

Mostly just night sweats. So far I haven't noticed any weight gain like I did on Zyprexa.

It worked really well to get me out of a pretty intense mixed episode.

VRAYLAR (CARIPRAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Cariprazine is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia). Cariprazine belongs to a class of drugs known as atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. This medication can decrease hallucinations, help you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less agitated, and take a more active part in everyday life. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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