Visicol (sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous; sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Visicol (sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous; sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate)

Warning! It nearly killed me. I'm a healthy 52 yr old woman. I was sitting down and A few minutes after taking the 20th pill, I told my husband I didn't feel very good, and lost consciousness. I tried to stand up and I passed out again. He called the paramedics. They sat me in a chair, then I heard them say "We are losing her" next thing I know I was in the hospital. After 7 bags of IV fluids, potassium pills and 4 days in the hospital, my potassium and heart rate came back. This was two weeks ago, and I still don't feel well. Avoid this medication. Very dangerous. It was very difficult to find a pharmacy to fill this bad medicine. Not many carry it. No one I know has used this method. Now I know why. I wish I would have been warned. I hope no one else has to go through what I did.

Visicol tablets are dangerous to your health.

had several colonoscopies with traditional prep previously - no problems - after visicol prep had cardiac "episode" during procedure resulting in constant atrial fibrillation (3 years) -now accompanied by tachycardia - around 45 years old at the time and very physically fit

No side effects at all! No nausea, no cramping, no bloating. No pain at all.

I'd read about electrolyte disturbances after taking this drug, so I prepared for it by making sure I was fully hydrated before-hand and that I took it with fluids that contained electrolytes (Propel, Gatorade, Apple Juice). It's a lot of pills to take, but they were no larger than my Vitamin C tablet I take daily, so not hard to swallow. I started getting results 45 minutes after taking the first pills, and it lasted for several hours afterward - around 5 hours from start to when I stopped getting the urge to have a BM. My procedure was scheduled for the afternoon, so I did the first round at 5pm the night before, then started up the second round at 5am the next morning. I didn't feel dehydrated at all afterward. This drug can also put a heavy load on your kidneys, so I continued drinking fluids for the entire 5 hours to insure there would be some extra fluids available for my kidneys. Most of what you drink with the prep is sucked out by your colon, so I feel it's important to

Side Effects forvisicol (sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous; sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate) - User Comments


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Severe fatigue, nausia, diarreah, abdominal pain, headache, anxiety, sleeplessness/restlessness.

I increased the dose to 300mg a day. I also take 195mg trimipramine and 5 mg amitriptyline. I have cfs/ME since having severe viral infection 3 decades ago. Constant urgency has been very distressing. Been on numerous gut meds but this helps the most. I notice I am calmer. Still anxious about travel in case the bowels go.hopefully this will lessen over time. I now have some control over when I go. If I take a couple of cups of tea I end up going to the loo. Prior to gabapentin I was going numerous times a day and had to be very careful about what I eat. I can also eat a bigger range of foods without having to run to the loo.

Upset stomach, acid reflux, muscle weakness and decline, headaches, blurred vision, joint pain all over, stiffness in finger joints, stinging burning in hands and feet, definite brain function loss, flu symptoms, running nose

I'm actually on Microgestin (the generic) and I'm so relieved to see that it is common to miss periods. I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen for 1 year and Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for 2, both of which gave me spotting, but I always still had a period. I've been on Microgestin for 6 months now and my periods were very light and very short (to be expected with this drug.) However, I'm concerned to learn that you can miss your period all together. This month there was spotting on the last week of my active pills, but my regular period hasn't come (4 days late.) I like the monthly assurance of NOT being pregnant, and like others have said, someone should have told me that this can happen with this pill. I'm going to have to take a pregnancy test just to be sure. What a bother!

Moody, depressed, very bloated weight gain, tired,

Tingling in hands and feet. Slight drowsiness. Both of these symptoms subsided after a couple weeks.

Made Anxiety with OCD Worse, No Benefits whatsoever.

Please don’t doubt yourself because this medicine will work but the side effects are real. I had no problems at first then started feeling dizzy and it elevated my heart rate as if I was having a panic attack/ heart attack and it even raised my BP I also had shortness of breath. This medication should be taken off the market.

I had it at Walgreens. At the time of injection it is more painful than the flu shot.