Verapamil hydrochloride (verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Verapamil hydrochloride (verapamil hydrochloride)

I am on the ER (extended release) of 180 mg and I take that with 80mg of quinapril. the verapamil has helped the quinapril lower my stubborn high blood pressure (160/115) to a range of 125/85. I do not have any really noticable s/e other than the constipation. I do have hair loss and some mental fog,but I think hair loss and mental fog are due to the incrase of my quinapril ( I was at 40 a day and it wasnt working so I went to 80 mg) overall, verapamil ER made by mylan is great as long as you dont mind taking a fiber supplement to help with the constipation. I think the benefits of taking the verapamil outweighs the one minor s/e.

Side Effects forverapamil hydrochloride (verapamil hydrochloride) - User Comments


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If you start to notice bothersome side effects, call your doctor and insist on an alternative.

Lifelong commitment for me, as well as asprin. Still had clot problems even with theraputic levels ( hence the asprin addition) Hate getting tested, as my INR's vary greatly.No more horse jumping:( dentist visits are awful. My feet drive me crazy...can't tell if they are burning or cold. peculiar

I have 4 more pills to take and am considering not taking them at all. The side effects are bearable, but annoying enough that I'd like to be done with them. Will contact podiatrist today to see if skipping last 4 doses is OK.

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Good drug for anxiety overall, panic attacks gone, sleeing much better, anxiety nearly zero, but side effects are definitely a problem

Works well, side effects are tiresome as they are with all of the mood stabilisers but overall the drug does it's job.

I've taken this medication for 10 days with no side effects that I am aware of.

Mepergan done what no other pain med has ever done== Relieve my pain with no bad side effects!While moving around I had a calm, relaxed euphoric feeling. When lying down I went into an extremely relaxed state with very odd thoughts and peace of mind. Awoke with a slight groggy feeling which lasted throughout the day, but got better. No nausea at all and no "hangover" effect. Only mildly drowsy.

Fatigue- especially the first few weeks when starting and then again when I increased my dose.Currently on 75 mg with a goal to get on 100mg. Doing it slowly since I am having fatigue.I have had some mild anxiety symptoms since starting- I have a history of anxiety that has always been well controlled on Lexapro- but I feel like the Aldactone has decreased the potency or effectiveness of Lexapro.

I have never felt like this before taking omeprazole