Venofer (iron sucrose) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Venofer (iron sucrose)

Do not take. Right after I was given venofer my blood pressure was checked. It went really high, plus I had an head so bad I could barely open my eyes. I was given the observation bag for 30 min. And after that was finished blood pressure was check and it was even higher. Head for 4 days. Do not take

Only side effect I experienced shortly after was fatigue. A few days after my first infusion I experienced joint pain. I was starting to realize making a fist was very painful. After my second infusion my joint pain became even worse.

I can recognize when my iron is low because my energy level changes. In the past, after receiving venofer, I have felt like a new person. I forget what it feels like to have energy.Also, I get a maple syrup taste in my mouth during the infusions.

Horrible side effects. Back pain rapid weight gain joint pain ear pain weakness neuropathy for 3 weeks post infusion anxiety bloating fluid retention. Horrible. I want my life back.

Low iron d.t. anemia/epogen trmnt

During IV infusions (at ~300ml/hr) I became nauseous in the last 10-20 minutes until infusion rate was dropped. While it infused, my exhaled breath smelled/tasted like maple syrup.

I went through two 5-visit IV treatments,each over 5 weeks, each with two vials of Venofer injected into a small bag of saline. It boosted my iron to better levels and made my epogen treatment more effective.

Side Effects forvenofer (iron sucrose) - User Comments


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No negative side effects, so sorry for the people experiencing them!!

Severe weakness and soreness in arms, legs and entire body. Neck and shoulders very sore. Difficult to swallow jaw hurts when chewing. When coughing, chest and internal organs hurt. Will never take again.


Flushing, stomach upset, dry mouth.

I'm so disillusioned with the drug companies and the FDA that I won't take anything my doctor recommends again. Lipitor has robbed me and my family of my former active self and I have no idea whether I will ever return to normal. Will try the CoQ10 idea and also physical therapy to try to realign everything from my hips down so I can move normally again. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG! IT IS NOT WORTH TRADING YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE FOR A LOWER CHOLESTEROL NUMBER!!! I too would like to join a class action suit, as I feel Pfizer was well aware of the damage this drug could do.

Total Thyroidectomy due to cancer

sudden knee pain in the middle of the night, loss of appetite, some upset stomach and nausea, pain in achilles tendon (very difficult to walk on), occasional light-headedness, headache, general fatigue/aches

Lethargic, weak, fatigued, lightheaded, nausea foggy, bloating and dyspnea.