Veklury (remdesivir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Veklury (remdesivir)

This is a dangerous drug. If you have covid choose otber means like zinc/quercetin/vit C and NAC.

Side Effects forveklury (remdesivir) - User Comments


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I had been on wellburtin, provigil, and various SSRI's for more than 2 years. My doc and I decided to wean me off my meds so I could try a MAOI. I got down to 150 mg wellbutrin QD and 200mg provigil QD before quiting them both cold turkey. That was almost 1 week ago. Besides extreme exhaustion, the major side effect of suddenly stopping that I have experienced is that I cannot stop eating CANDY.... seriously, anything with sugar. Non-stop. I even went out at 1am last night to buy candy when I had eaten all that I had in the house. I've never had any issues with food and I am in the low/average weight range. It's just a really odd side effect of sudden withdrawal, so I figured I'd share. Hopefully, the candy cravings go away soon, or my dentist is going to be seeing a lot of me.

After reading through these comments, I see that medications really effect people differently. I did not have any problems with Provera. I did experience heavy bleeding, but it's supposed to shed the lining of the uterus, so that's just something you'll have to face when you take this. It's annoying to change your tampon several times a day, but it's for the benefit of your health, so it's a small sacrifice to pay. I'd rather have to deal with that than deal with complications of the lining not shedding.I did notice that I felt a little tired during the time I took it, but no big deal. It definately did what it was supposed to do. I've been very happy with it.

It has done a great job of bringing down my A1c from 8.2 to 7.1. However, I am really concerned about the weight gain. Weight went from being very stable on Metformin around 230 to 246.5. I have tried 4 different diets in the last five months, and have ramped up the exercise, but the weight is not coming off. I am going to talk to my doctor about switching or adding another med.

cleared away quickly but I was left with a yeast infection...

A wonder drug. Gently calms me; Not harsh like Valium and Ativan but I can tell it's working unlike Klonopin.

This is just an update on my experience with this drug. I am still very sick from my Dr combining this with other things I was taking and this is NOT a safe drug for long term use...unless one thinks dementia is okay. This drug has been found to cause dementia which can be very serious. This drug is also the second most toxic antidepressant in overdose which means the drug is quite toxic overall. I would not touch this or another antidepressant with a ten foot pole unless I was desperate to ruin my life. A number of reviews on websites seem to be written by people employed by the company making this drug because the side effects are horrendous from this drug. If this was a natural supplement it would've been pulled off the market within a week I figure. Very dangerous med made in Germany and tested in Swiss psychiatric institutions...need I say more?

My son was on this medication for six months before I finally made the connection between the drug and his behavior change. He became very depressed, nearly suicidal, often telling us that he wished he had never been born, wanted us to kill him, and that he didn't want to live anymore. He was also very aggressive toward his younger siblings. All of these behaviors were way out of character for him--typically a very compassionate and joyful individual. Within two weeks of being off the drug we had our normal, happy, loving boy back. NEVER EVER, EVER give this drug to a child. When I related our experience to the allergist he was not surprised, has seen it before (argh!) and said that my son can't take Singulair, Zyrtec (He had similar results with Zyrtec), or Claritin. Be very cautious of drugs, parents!

Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, body aches, fast heartbeat.

Waves of nervous energy flowing through my body like painful electric shocksInner tremorManiaExtreme pressure in headCouldn't lay down flatExtreme panic and fear...dreadSensations of my brain and body burning or sizzling, buzzingIntense disconnected feeling from realityHigh Fever (103)Flu-like symptomsTerrible headacheExtreme nauseaWaves of sensations throughout my body and skinVisual hallucinationsVisual impairmentsDizzy spellsUnable to exercise muchunable to tolerate caffeine, alcohol and other vitamins or medicinesAkathisia (inability to stop moving)PanicShowering would hurt my skinUnable to lay downDizzinessLoud ringing in the ears (High frequency)Racing and violent thoughtsBRAIN ZAPS (Immediate equilibrium interruption or disruption)Racing, uncontrollable thoughtsunable to control emotionsInability to focusUnable to listen to musicUnable to listen to musicHigh feverFlu-like symptoms (exactly like

I did not have any seizures, but the side effects were awful. I feared I had lost my personality. Drove my wonderful husband crazy feeling nobody could do anything right.