Vectical (calcitriol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vectical (calcitriol)

VECTICAL (CALCITRIOL): This medication is used to treat psoriasis. Calcitriol is a form of vitamin D. It works by slowing down the growth of cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Works terrific for me for sleep. Have been taking 10mg this for 3 years now every day (my dr. did not express concern about addiction but I am just not seeing the reports and getting worried). Rebound insomnia if not taken. Certain times of month during hormonal changes it does not work as effectively.

Drug worked great for a while so I was reluctant to stop taking it; this was stupid because I wound up in the ER quite suddenly when I took it again. Strangely, the allergic symptoms (hives and vomiting) never really subsided, and doctors are keeping me on steroids (6 months later).

Although it did help my cough instantly from the first puff, I would NEVER go back 2 this. I am now on Flovent and I feel GREAT!

wonder drug for me, for my whole life i stayed inside during the late summer until it frosted. singulair is the ONLY medication i have ever taken that has worked for me

I hardly ever had a period which scared me at first. After I got used to it, I thought it was great.

migraine, but this is genetic and based on the normal hormonal cycle anyway for members of my family. I had no side effects and felt wonderful. Full of beans, fit and healthy. Last year I did have abnormal cervical cells which were checked OK. Being checked again shortly. Just recently taken off premarin by doctor after increase in BP after heavy stress at workplace, and prescription availability problems on NHS. Put on Femoston. Suffered night leg cramps, aching, dizziness, dulling of brain, nearly had a road accident and I cannot sleep anymore because of the cramping of my legs, which also have sensations like insects crawling over my skin, and assorted sudden pains everywhere. I want my premarin back! I'm off to the doctors to sort things out.

I still have severe asthma and inflation in my chest from taking Macrobid 3 years ago.

excessive muscle spasms and pain, backache, pains in the arms. 4 mos later inchy tongue, easily bruises pain under arms, very transparent veins, itchy skin, difficulty swallowing, acne.

Stuffy nose, vision changes, and shortness of breath.

my daughter took singulair since she was 4...same time that my mother-in-law passed i assumed the clinginess and fears were because of that...this has continued for almost 6 years when i finally figured out that her anxiety was caused from taking the singulair..