Vantin (cefpodoxime proxetil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vantin (cefpodoxime proxetil)

started to have abdominal pain right away after 1st dose. Pain getting progressively worse each day.. It is a 3rd day, I do not know if i can tolerate it a whole week, as prescribed.... Now, on top, of the abdominal pain i have pain in my back, nausea and very bad headache. Afraid, if it progress like that, i may end up with convulsions ! Will call the doctor tomorrow for the change of drug.

Yeast infection, but normal with antibiotics.I was given Vantin 100mg twice daily after being on IV antibiotics for 4 days. I actually quit them due to being so sick and visiting my doctor. My doctor switched me to levaquin, which I found out was poison and was having side effects after 8 days of it, plus it wasn't helping my infection. I decided to take the Vantin after quitting levaquin and my symptoms have imoroved. I still have kidney pain, but my fever is gone.The IV medication, which is in the same class as Vantin worked the best. I had a bad doctor at the hospital that took me off the IV antibiotics early. I will use Vantin again if needed for UTI/kidney infection.Now I hope I do not have permanent damaging effects from the leviquin.

I was having room spinning episodes and it did work for that and they stopped but i was still left with a sinus infection after the 14 days...was switched to Biaxin which sent me to the ER after taking only one...still trying to find something that causes not many side effects and works.

no side effects slight nausea just didnt work at all after 10 days, was switched to Biaxin xl which works

VANTIN (CEFPODOXIME PROXETIL): This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have PTSD from a prior surgery. The sadist who inserted my IV said the versed would help calm me and make me forget. It did neither. She administered at least 3 vials of this stuff and I felt nothing but intense fear until she finally had me taken to surgery and knocked out. I woke up too quickly, and surprised the staff by being completely coherent and alert. And very, very agitated. Terrible stuff - don't allow them to give it to you! I can't stop the flashbacks and terrible memories. Don't believe them when they say it's an amnesiac!

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I was hoping Zetia would work for me, after experiencing muscle pain from a statin.I did not notice any side effects until about three weeks of taking Zetia. I began to experience extreme fatigue. It also triggered a bout of depression, even though I have been on an antidepressant for many years to prevent recurrence of depression. I only began to feel better after about two weeks of stopping Zetia.

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moodiness, unexplainable crying, depression, anxiety, etc. weight loss. ance control. Major decrease in sex drive. (i didn't even think yeast infection was a side effect but i did have a little when i went for my last PAP)tender breasts. sometimes my cycle would last into the 1st week next packet of pills. but please read my comment i do really like this pill the only thing i really have a problem with is the moodiness.


chronic pancreatitis/endometriosis

After reading some of the reviews online about this product I was pretty petrified to use it. However, I did not experience any of the horrid side effects that I read about. Did it taste good? No. Was it unbearable? No. I refrigerated it overnight and mixed it with white grape juice. I drank it slowly over about an hour and chased each sip with hot ginger tea. It started working before I finished drinking the first dose. I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom but was able to sleep for about five hours before the second dose. I followed the same procedure for that second dose and before I finished drinking I was going practically clear water so I admit I did not drink all of the second dose. I had no cramping or nausea and I had completely stopped going by the time I had to leave for the appointment. Overall, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.