Vaniqa (eflornithine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vaniqa (eflornithine hydrochloride)

Side Effects forvaniqa (eflornithine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

allergies- tree poll, grass,ragweed

Glad to find this page..THIS DRUG IS CRAZY...same effects as the person who wrote on 9/21....Some things i was doing I didnt believe until my wife actually Video taped it! Very restless.....sleep sex (masterbating while sleeping)...sleep walking nude, general out of touch feelings, talking in sleep....I guess this drug effects a lot of people differently...wish there was a discussion form on this to communicate with others who have gone through similar episodes.

extreme mood swings, depression and anxiety, chest pain, nausea, extreme sadness, loss of excitement, fatigue

This is the strangest antibiotic I have ever taken. It literally effected my outlook on life. I quickly went from being reasonably happy to fairly grim and melancholy all the time. I wouldn't recommend this anyone unless they had to take it, because the side effects are far too severe.

Dry mouth, Sexual side effects, Insomnia

Nausea, joint paint (especially hips and shoulders), extreme irritability, crippling fatigue, cannot concentrate, terrible ADD symptoms, brain fog, cannot get out of bed, anger/rage, deep depression, heart palpitations, horrendous weight gain, soul-less feeling, zero interest in life.

irregular ovulation (SR update)

Dulled back pain but then gave me a severe migraine, one of the worst headaches of my life.

This is rat poison! I guess I should'nt expect it to do anything good without causing major problems when its other use is to kill. I have extreme highs and lows in my INR's for all of the 6 years I have been taking the medication. I have had to get my blood tested an average of 1x a week for 6 years now. The most frustrating out of all of the side effects has to be the voice issue. I used to be an award winning speech competitor and now I can barely complete a sentence that anyone can hear, if I dont run out of breath first. I thought something else was wrong with me before coming to this web site and finding that there are side effects to this drug since my doctor kept telling me it was all in my mind.

I am now going through a divorce after being married for 38 years! Husband and family think I was on drugs, I lost 7 pounds,Now with Divorce I'm losing more! Didn't need weight loss to begin with, wish I hadn't taking Paxil 20mg