Vancomycin hcl (vancomycin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vancomycin hcl (vancomycin hydrochloride)

VANCOMYCIN HCL (VANCOMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Vancomycin is used to treat serious bacterial infections. It is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication is usually given by injection into a vein. However, the form in vials may also be given by mouth to treat a certain intestinal condition (colitis) that may rarely happen after treatment with antibiotics. This condition causes diarrhea and stomach/abdominal discomfort or pain. When vancomycin is taken by mouth, it stays in the intestines to stop the growth of bacteria that cause these symptoms. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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dizzy, easily able to snap, shakiness...

excessive sweating the first week on single dose. After a week at the full dose became itchy all over and then had tightness in my chest which I thought was heartburn but it did not go away.

I was told i was having an allergic reaction, the doctor gave me a shot of benedrill and a pill dose of benedrill and all the syptoms stopped in an hour (I fell asleep and woke up fixed lol)I will NEVER take this medicine again and i surely did tell this doctor what happened.

terrible withdrawal feeling when not using the drughangover feeling in the morning, zombie like feeling during the day.

I was not on this medication for very long. I'll admit it improved my mood somewhat, but I was waking as early as 3am and feeling very restless (at first the medication made me drowsy but the longer I was on it the earlier I would wake up). It increased my anxiety to the point that I couldn't work on my uni assignments without freaking out. I had high blood sugar while I was taking it (blood sugar is normal now).

Before the procedure, I was very worried about the pain I would feel when the doctor touched the bad disks. But, with versed I did not feel anything. I did not remember anything that happened. When I knew anything I was in the recovery room. It was GREAT!I was surprised to learn that you can respond while under the sedation. It took about 30 minutes.

I had headaches ans nausea for about a week. THen spotting for the next 3 months which stopped after that. But then at about 6 months had no physical desires. I got anxious and depressed and would have night wakings and early wakings. I got severely sleep deprived and anxious. I had to stop taking it. I had panic attacks and thought I was sick and dying. Then I realized it was probably the hormones and lack of testosterone in my body. Back to feeling like myself in about 6 weeks after stopping it. I feel mentally better now and I am sleeping all night. What a relief to stop taking it. Glad I didn't get meds for the anxiety when all I needed was to stop taking this pill.And it is possible these can increase cancer risk - not studied enough yet.

im not really sure to be honest, i have experienced some headaches over these past few days, but i guess thats it. im taking lexapro at the same time with concerta, so im not really sure which is making the difference.

Severe Anxiety, dizziness, heaviness in my chest, trouble sleeping, rapid heart beat that feels like it may explode through my chest, fatigue

did not help me. Still had to use sinex to unblock my nose. I think the mixture of both of these messed me up. Giving me negative thinking, anxiety, heart palpitations etc