Valproic acid (valproic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valproic acid (valproic acid)

fatty liverirritabilitydrowsiness

hair loss, weight gain, suicidal thoughts, lethargy, inability to focus, headaches, loss of interest, depression

i couldn't agree more with the comments posted here. TAKE ACTION. I will never again listen to what a doctor tells me. i had to do my own research to understand why these things were happening to me...he never even told me, even after I asked multiple times why these things were happening to me. Are there no better epilepsy drugs out there?

for 19 years took up to 2000mg/day. After status 1 year ago, was increased to 4000mg/day. Side effects, drooling, weight gain, depression, sedation

4 weeks ago, pancreatic failure and nearly died. 3 weeks in the hospital. NOT WORTH IT!

rapid weight gain despite diet efforts, massive hair loss, lethargy, loss of interest in activities I used to enjoy, constant headaches (I had never suffered from headaches before)

I strongly recommend taking an active role in managing the type of medication you are prescribed. After all, you are the one taking them and having the side effects, your doctor is merely prescribing them. Never be passive about your treatment. Research the side effects and even if your doctor does not believe you, insist on your arguments or get other opinions. After 6 months of going through absolute hell from all the side effects you can think of I decided to tell my doctor I would not take valproic acid since it was doing more harm than good. Most doctors dislike patients doing research on the meds they are taking, since they believe they are the owners of the truth, but they would definitely change their opinions if they were the ones taking such medicines. Thanks to valproic acid I have lost the little self esteem I had left.

VALPROIC ACID (VALPROIC ACID): This medication is used to treat seizure disorders, mental/mood conditions (such as manic phase of bipolar disorder), and to prevent migraine headaches. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Same doctor then gave me Prednisone, worked well by next day and cleared issue in seven days. OK, three days later the entire process started over and the incredible pain came back this time in every joint in my body. Now back on Prednisone and am fearful my body may never been the same. I am a triathelete and have played competitive racquetball,very active and cannot expect my life to ever be the same. Now working with my GP taking all types of blood work to try and say that levaquin is not the cause. DO NOT TAKE THIS PRODUCT AND DAMN JOHNSON AND JOHNSON for making millions on this procuct.

None however my doctor said I needed to stop because of my Lap Band, which is a weight loss device. He said this medicine would cause errosion to my band and stomach.

Coke DOES taste funny (I thought it was just me!). I have difficulty playing the piano and typing/spelling. My hands and feet tingle occasionally. I get stuck on words too.

was switched to Trinessa after reading other comments I decided NOT to take the chance of becoming pregnant and/or losing my relationship over uneeded mood swings........

Omg where do I begin?! I hate this shot. I got it for bc protection. I usually use pills, but I decided to try the shot since I have a sensitive tummy. Few hours after the shot, I got hot flashes, emotional, loss of appetite,tingling in my arms hands and feet, foot cramps, headaches,sore eyes, and slight tummy aches that were tolerable. I also had an allergic reaction, so my breathing was off with a rapid heart beat, yes I got that fixed. I am extremely disappointed in this. My doctor failed to mention ALL of the side effects. I do not recommend this, and I strongly believe it should be off the market. Too much use of it causes osteoporosis and more complications. Though it may work for others, it did horrors for me. I have yet to meet up with my Gyno to discuss my issues with this shot that is in my system! =( Best of luck to you all. :)

Early onset low pressure glaucoma

Headaches and flashes of head pain when I stopped taking it completely. Possible diahrrea also experienced upon cessation of use, but can't absolutely prove linked, tho.

Poor concentration/mental fog, blurred vision, anxiety/panic attacks, disturbed sleep/insomnia, chest pains, nausea, headaches/migraines, etc

Severe headaches, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, extreme irritabilty, lose train of thought quickly, severe ringing in the ear, trouble finding words, weight gain, and vivid nightmares.

Little light headed and jittery first 2 weeks, then PERFECTION last 23 years !