Valnac (betamethasone valerate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valnac (betamethasone valerate)

VALNAC (BETAMETHASONE VALERATE): This medication is used to treat skin conditions of the scalp (such as psoriasis, seborrhea). Betamethasone works by decreasing the swelling (inflammation), itching, and redness. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. This medication is a medium-strength corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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to control high blood pressure

I had been on Bactrim for only 2 days with slightly noticeable side effects until I was in a meeting at work and began to experience a heart rate of 170 bpm, dizziness, and tremors out of seemingly nowhere and was rushed to the ER where I had to be sedated. EKG and bloodwork came back normal and the doctor diagnosed me with having severe anxiety and a panic attack, which I never had before taking Bactrim. I am not sure how long this medication lasts in your system but I had multiple panic attacks every day for 8 days. For anyone else suffering: my panic attacks stopped after I started taking cbd gummies and/or cbd oil 3-4 times a day at a low dosage. If you’re reading this and you have been prescribed Bactrim or you are currently going through similar side effects as I did, I am so sorry and I wish you luck. Bactrim is a death wish.

Diarrhea, nausea, stomach aches, back pain (could be unrelated, but was intensified), pain between groin area, sluggishness-general lack of energy, unable to sleep, loss of appetite,

Initially, inability to reach orgasm. More recently, decreased (dead) sex drive, night sweats, periodic auditory hallucinations, chronic fatigue/inertia.

I started on .025 for 5 weeks, then .50 for 5 more weeks. I have been taking 1 mg for 2 weeks now. I have lost my appetite and can only eat anywhere from a couple bites to 1/2 the amount of food I used to. I have gas and bloating, occasional nausea and frequent diarrhea. Pain comes on the left side of stomach and I have Lots of belching. not quite feeling myself. I do have a lot of fatigue. In 12 weeks I have lost 1 pound. My blood sugars have stabilized quite a bit.

Severe vertigo. Still there 3 days after stopping the Naproxen.Gout better. Uncertain if this was due to the Naproxen or just the passage of time.

If I had been made aware of the possible side effects of this toxic drug I would never had applied it., particularly as, in my case, it was probably not necessary. My doctor has some explaining to do. I hope I can recover from the toxic effects anxiety and fatigue soon.

I have been on birth control since I was a teenager. As an adult, I was on OTC for a long time before being switched to Trinessa about a year ago due to insurance reasons. The OTC worked great for me. The Trinessa, on the other hand, has been terrible. I never know what I'm going to get from month to month. Some months are fine, with a little water weight gain like clockwork about 10 days prior to menstruating Some months, however, are OUT OF CONTROL. Headaches that won't go away or intense fatigue...having to sleep and sleep and sleep, or no desire to go anywhere or do anything or see/talk to anyone. This month I had breast enlargement from almost the very first pill and have subsequently gained about 10 pounds in two weeks. This is unheard of as I work out *daily* and watch what I eat. It simply feels like the hormones in Trinessa are off, from month to month. With their recall last year, they certainly don't seem very reliable. I am throwing it all in the garbag

With in minutes my stomach was on fire and I was jittery. Thought I would need to go to hospital. My continued to hurt for hours. Will never take again

I've only been on Cellcept for 3 weeks today so it could be a bit early for my evaluation. Nevertheless my Dr. put me on it in an effort to get me off of the Prednisone, which I've been on for 19 months. I've already been on Dapsone for over 3 months and did not help at all....actually I was getting worse while taking it. Then we tried Imuran which was working fantastic with my Prednisone taper but was causing some potentially serious side effects. The Cellcept is helping me with my taper, maybe not quite as good as the Imuran but I am hopeful that this will be the drug that helps me get off the Pred! In just 3 weeks I've discovered that if you don't follow the directions about 2 hours after or 1 hour before a meal it makes a difference with the drug absorption in your system. I messed up with that twice in a 2 day period and started having I am paying close attention to taking it on an empty stomach and am doing well.