Valcyte (valganciclovir hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valcyte (valganciclovir hydrochloride)

Unbearable neurological side effects immense fatigue brain fog listlessness depression. Increase pain upset stomach

Nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, weight loss,fatigue, malaise

VALCYTE (VALGANCICLOVIR HYDROCHLORIDE): Valganciclovir is an anti-viral drug. It is changed in the body to the active form of the drug called ganciclovir. It is used to prevent disease caused by a virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) in people who have received organ transplants. CMV disease can lead to serious infections in the body, including an infection in the eye, called CMV retinitis, that can cause blindness. Valganciclovir works by slowing the growth of the CMV virus. It helps prevent the spread of infection to other areas of the body. Valganciclovir is also used to treat CMV retinitis in people with advanced HIV disease (AIDS). This medication helps control CMV retinitis and decrease the risk of blindness. Valganciclovir is not a cure for CMV disease. Some people may have worsening CMV retinitis even with treatment. Therefore, it is important to have your eyes checked regularly by your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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To be fair, I must note that I was also taking Norvasc - a blood pressure pill and when the above symptoms persisted I stopped Norvasc at once (replaced with Diovan). However, at that time - over a month ago - I was only aware of Norvasc's side effects and, indeed, when I stopped taking it most of the anxiety and paranoia symptoms disappeared - most, but not all. That is when I started looking for the other culprit. Sure discovered it soon: Lipitor.Spoke to a psychiatrist and she confirmed that the entire family of Norvasc (called amlodiphine) is known to have psychiatric side effects. A month ago my family physician confirmed that Lipitor is "guilty" of similar symptoms and agreed to let me off it for three months, until I take my next blood test. Meanwhile I'm now on health food as well as Q10, Omega III, Nosterol and Vitamin E (200IU). I now hope that LDL is low enough to say to Lipitor goodbye. Time will tell.

Worsing of anxiety, panic attacks, weight loss, nausea

I have been on this for about a year and a half now and my migraines have completely stopped. My last migraine was about 9 months ago. I am convinced Topamax is my miracle drug.

got really depressed when i never had a problem with depression before,ive been on several kinds of antidepressants,and i think this one has been the worst one and i will never take it again

I am just over 6 months out from taking this medication and I am still suffering with side effects. I posted on here 4 months ago. Some side effects have improved- sore eyes are not as bad and the burning sensation in my skin has gone. However my scalp is still painful when my hair is pulled even slightly and scalp feels almost itchy all the time, neuropathy perhaps?

took asprin 1/2 hour before NIASPAN at night. did not eat a snack with it. drank 2 glasses of water with NIASPAN. went to bed. woke up in middle of night with all the side effects mentioned. Finally made it back to sleep. Woke up in the morning with a headache. Headache managed to stay with me all day. thought about taking NIASPAN 1 more night, but after reading all these posts, I will not be taking tonight. I will be calling doctor in morning to let him know I am not interested in taking this medicine.

I was on yasmine for 4 weeks after naseaus and depression I was switched to yaz. I became increasing more and more depressed on yaz and got to the point where I because concerned for my safety because I became so severely depressed.

I took one dose and 15 minutes later i felt dizzy and had chest pain and felt like my life was gonna slip away and die

I don't have bi-polar, nor do I have schizophrenia. I was never diagnosed with either; I was prescribed Geodon because I mentioned I needed to lose weight. Why would someone prescribe you a pill and keep increasing the dosage when it clasehes with your other pills and is for something you have never even been diagnosed with?! Jeez, I don't need to lose weight THAT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This seems to be a really strong antibiotic, and will take care of whatever ails you, but will kill pretty much anything else in your system. A bit of a trip.