Valacyclovir hydrochloride (valacyclovir hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valacyclovir hydrochloride (valacyclovir hydrochloride)

I had no side effects at all, which is really unusual for me as I'm normally ultra sensitive to drugs.

It was like a miracle drug for me. I had painful shingles on the roof of my mouth - and started to feel better after the first dose.

Headaches, upset stomach, weird smells, feeling hot all over my body, insomnia,

It's my second day and have severe stomach uneasiness and insomnia.

Foul smell and discharge - compared to after birth blood smell.

Dr prescribed after Bells palsy onset thinking my body was fighting shingles but I had no outbreak of any sort. My facial paralysis is easing up (day 7). Started this MED along w steroids literally about 30 mins after Onset.

Headache, stomach pain / upset, mental impairment, nausea

I experience Shingles almost once every 6-8wks. Extent is mainly on my leg and when bad it runs from the trunk of my body down my leg (RHS). The scabs and scarring take a very long time to go away. I tried Aciclovir previously with limited effect, so this time tried a generic Valtrex alternative, Valacyclovir Hydrochloride.The positives. The blisters and pain had gone by day 3. It was very effective for me. No sensation beneath the blistered area, no scabbing, no raised bumps. I was astonished but continued with the 5 day course.The negatives. Severe headaches which were only dulled by pain killers. Sensitive stomach, upset / churning, almost a sore feeling in my gut. Loss of appetite (which was not a worry given the stomach pain). Mentally low and vulnerable feeling, upset by thoughts or actions that would not normally affect me. Unable to drive, somewhat fogged mentally and uncoordinated. I was tired and unable to concentrate on my work, or home tasks. I also had a spell of nausea on two occasions, but this was short lived.On balance. Valacyclovir vs Shingles. I'd take the Valacylovir again until I found an equally effective, less disruptive medication. Personally I wasn't able to function fully on this drug and go about daily life. Though I have to say it worked a dream at clearing the Shingles.

I have used brand name and generic and benefit far outweighed the side effects for me- which were bloating and gas.Next time I will try taking Gax-X before and in between the doses.

I have no side effects (thank god). I have noticed a small amount of tingling after missing dosage. Complete dosage, drink lots of water, exercise no smoke& u 2 will c gods grace still works. Claim your healing through the strikes of jesus christ. UR HEALED :)

This generic drug didn't do one thing for me. I had to buy the brand name, which my insurance doesn't cover.

My pharmacist told me that generic drugs don't work for everybody and to take 2 at a time to see if that works. It doesn't. The pharmacist says that the generic has the same active ingredient but if that is so, why doesn't it work? Is anybody else having this problem with this generic drug?

Stomach discomfort. Yeah, my tummmy is not happy.

Is Ranbaxy valacyclovir working as well as other generics? So far I've pretty much had the same side effects with this generic as I did with the brand Valtrex.

spacy, lethargic- taken it for 4 days 3x daily..still have mouth sores but pain a little down I think..scalp still killing me and sores on nose..insomnia at night due to steroids

mild stomach cramping, spaciness, lethargy but read that as side effect

Side Effects forvalacyclovir hydrochloride (valacyclovir hydrochloride) - User Comments


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EXTREMELY TIRED, anxious, moody, irritable, insecure, headaches, reduction in breast size but gained a HUGE butt!!

So far just on the 5 dose. Will start with 10 dose next month. I can deal ok with the mild nausea. The fatigue is almost crushing. It feels like the fatigue I experienced during my first trimester of pregnancy. You just want to roll up into a little ball and sleep, anywhere, anytime. Haven't checked for weight loss yet, but clothes are a bit looser. Glucose readings are MUCH better, still just high fasting in the morning, but even there much improved.

It was a bit too expensive for a grad student and the effects of quiting really really are distracting.

do i need to say anymore about this drug?i was not ever told that this drug is a neuroletptic, some say the fda does not consider metaclopramide as a neuroleptic drug, and i say if it looks like a dog and it barks like a dog it is probably a dog.i began taking this drug in 1990 i was told that it make my stomach empty my food in the time that it was supposed to.this drug work well for what it was supposed to do,but they failed to tell me what else it would do.if this drug caused abnormal muscle movement in the stomach so well that it was considered the answer for gastropuresis and gerd why would'nt the fda think that it would cause abnormal muscle movement every where in the body just as well? i had NO side affects of this drug until 14 years after being on metaclopramide.when my symptoms began no one could tell me what was wrong with me and they all had the list of my symptoms would come and go and now i know that this drug is able to mask its own symptoms.this drug was black boxed in nov.2009.i did not find out until may of 2010,i did not find out from my doctor,pharmacy,generic drug company,innovator of this drug or the fda,i found out from my daughter that had seen it on a law commercial.the same day i was to pick up my metaclopramide from the pharmacy and when i did i pulled the drug insert out and all it said was i was to contact my doctor.who's responsibility is it to inform the public in a timely manner?if you do some research you will see that very fe

I was starting to have mood swings. it would enhance my mood, for example i would get very mad easily and i normally have a great temper. Also it made my cry for stupid things and sometimes uncontrolllably

Flexeril was prescribed to me 3 times daily as needed for muscle spasms. I noticed Flexeril helping a little with the muscle spasms, but the other side effects were disconcerning to me. I took this with 800 MG of Ibuprofen, which was 3 times daily as needed for pain.

Severe abdominal pain, headache, extreme fatigue and very bloated in lower & upper abdominal regions. Symptoms have gradually increased day by day.

Food not digesting or so I thought

I decided to come back to this site nearly two years after stopping Zocor to give an after-the-fact testimonial. I took 80mg Zocor for 5 months starting January 2011 and stopped June 2011 when I suspected that Zocor may have been the cause of all my symptoms. The weeks following stopping the medication things got worse. I had to take a medical leave and eventually lost my job because of all my symptoms. I saw many specialists and took numerous blood tests and imaging (x-rays and mri's) and had procedures done (upper endoscopy and colonoscopy) and everything was negative. I was even sent to mental health who cleared of any mental issues. I was told by both Mental health and neurology that they had seen this before with patients who had taken Simastatin at the high a level. Things VERY SLOWLY got better but never completely better. The last specialist I saw--a rheumatologist looking for auto immune disorders told me that since no one can find the answers for all my symptoms to try eastern medicine and holistics. I didn’t know what to make of that so I went to see a naturopath a year after I stopped taking Zocor (May 2012). He asked what medications I've been taking prior to my symptoms and he gasped at the high level Zocor. He pointed out that many of his patients had problems with statins. He explained to me that the biggest problem with statins is that it inhibits the production of CoQ10 in the body which is required for all systems. Even a year after sto

The doctor and the judge. The judge doesn't do anything for me. He just says ok I'll do what the doctor says ok I will make her take the drug. He doesn't respect me or doesn't treat me like a person. He is holding me hostage to be abused. I am a person. The doctor is a dumb man writing orders and blaming me. He treats me like a pet. He does not respect me. This is malpractice.I am confused lots of confusion. I lost everything i had went to psychiatric hospitals am allergic to all the medications and went to shelters after loosing everything I owned and loosing jobs since 2012.