Tysabri (natalizumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tysabri (natalizumab)

Had 1st infusion.. no side effects... immediately more stamina, could hold a glass again with 1 hand, less dizzy, less brain fog, left no trouble with trailing foot, heavy tingling in hands less. Also have colitus ulcerosa.. still stable... do have to stop imuran

In 1 week 2nd infusion... I'm looking forward to it and hoping for improvements... still walk with roller roller/roll chair...

1ste infuus gehad..geen bijwerkingen...meteen meer uithoudingsvermogen, kon weer een glas vasthouden met 1 hand, minder duizelig, minder hersenmist, links geen last gehad van sleepvoet, heftige tintelingen in handen minder. Heb ook colitus ulcerosa..nog stabiel...wel moeten stoppen met imuran..et

Over 1 week 2de infuus...heb er zin in en hoop op nog verbeteringen...loop nog met rollater/rollstoel...

Newly diagnosed with aggressive RRMS

Moderate headache and mild fatigue the weekend after infusion

This drug made life worth living. I was very numb and weak from the neck down, half my face paralyzed, hyperacusis and tinnitus in one ear, tonic tensor tympani syndrome in the other, double vision, vertigo, and dizziness that resulted in vomiting if I moved, and an unrelenting migraine. Steroids did nothing to help. Within one month of my first infusion, most of my symptoms had almost completely resolved.

Slows Progression!!!!!! No Active / New Lesions in 7 yrs!!!1

Had migraine-like headaches for the first 3 or 4 - but they stopped. That is the only side effect I have ever had. Very easy to take (IV treatment every 28 days). Very well tolerated.

The first couple infusions == Headache, aching body, very tired, not able to sleep, just physically tired. My mind was awake and I do a lot of art, and puzzles for the first few days. I stay home and relax and do nothing for the first 48 hrs. The last couple infusions side effects have been way less!

Drink lots of water! No new lesions, no active lesions after 6 month MRI checkup, and I am JC Virus Negative. I was extremely afraid of JCV, but after my first clear MRI in years, I couldn't be happier right now!

Mild headache after first two infusions. Lethargic a couple of days before and a day after infusion. Very easily tolerated.

Staying well hydrated has combated the lethargy, also makes it easier to find a vein. Dx 2014, started with Tecfidera (nearly cleared psoriasis, but no help to MS), switched to Tysabri and had my first stable MRI after six months of treatment. No new lesions, no enhancing lesions, one lesion increased in size. Very happy with outcome. I am JCV but with an exceptionally low titre, I am not worried about PML at this time.

TYSABRI (NATALIZUMAB): This medication is used to treat a certain type of multiple sclerosis (relapsing multiple sclerosis-MS). It is not a cure for MS, but it is thought to help by preventing your immune system from attacking the nerves in your brain and spinal cord. It helps decrease the number of episodes of worsening and may prevent or delay disability. Natalizumab is also used to treat a bowel condition called Crohn's disease (CD) when it is moderate to severe and/or keeps coming back. It is not a cure for CD, but it is thought to work by preventing your immune system from causing inflammation/swelling within your bowels. Natalizumab is a protein called a monoclonal antibody. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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There was an adjustment period where i felt disoriented. From my experience, getting on it is fine BUT getting off is was one of the most traumatizing experience. I was on no other meds and took effexor xr for 3 yrs. I weaned off slowly for 2 weeks also and it didn't help at all. I slept for like 20 hrs a day. My eyes became hyper sensitive to light and had a hard time opening my eyes for more than a few mins without strain and migraines. I had the body zaps. The physical trauma lasted 2.5 weeks. I became crazy moody and felt out of control emotionally for the next 2 months. My mood is stable now but it was a frightening experience i never want to experience again. They don't list this on the side effects list!!!!

Unless you have a very strong stomach and don't mind having diarrhea five times a day and thinning hair (it used to be luxuriously thick & I hope that it comes back now that I'm off this med) don't try this drug. It didn't even lower my blood pressure very much - probably because it wouldn't stay in my system long enough to do much good. Highly recommend some other medication (any other like Ace Inhibitors).

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Cleared my flu right up so I went to the gym while still on day 3 of medicine, bad idea. Do not work out when taking, will cause major nausea & dizziness. Will cure you, but can you take the pain?