Tymlos (abaloparatide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tymlos (abaloparatide)

The injections were not a problem, but the effects were odd. After a few days, a pain here, a stab there, a spasm of a muscle, where there was no cause. Then gradual weakening of body, heart palpitations, and panting.

We live on the second floor, primarily, and have gone up and down stairs for over 50 years. I had to give up this medicine when a walk up the stairs made me dizzy, heart pounding rapidly, panting for breath, having to lean on a wall to recover.

TYMLOS (ABALOPARATIDE): Abaloparatide is used to treat bone loss (osteoporosis) for women after menopause who are at high risk of having broken bones (fractures). It is similar to a natural hormone in your body (parathyroid hormone). It works by increasing bone density and strength. This effect helps to decrease the risk of having a fracture. This medication should not be used for children or young adults whose bones are still growing. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Broke out w/in 4 hrs. w/ a very red sunburn like rash. I did not go outside. Eyes were very bloodshot and I had a horrible headache. Called Dr. and took Benadryl right away. I was at home weaker than a kitten- on my birthday too! Four days later and I still have a stiff neck, shourtness of breath, servere muscle weakness, heart palpitations and anxiety.

Horrible horrible withdrawl symptom!!!!! BEWARE!!!! Took for three months with great success and no side effects BUT once the seasonal allergies were over I stopped taking Zyrtec. Day 7 with THE MOST INTENSE itching hives ALL over my body!!! NO WAY TO RELIEVE WITHOUT TAKING ZYRTEC FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! Google itching withdrawl from Zyrtec and you will be SHOCKED at how this can be a life altering symptom!!!!! THE LONGER YOU TAKE THE LONGER YOU WILL SUFFER WHEN STOPPING!!!!

I haven't had any side effects until recently. Rage, VERY emotional, feelings of lonliness, feel dead inside, very vivid dreams/nightmares.

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I am doing the prep as I type. Not a big deal at all. I used the orange flavor pack and it's not bad tasting at all. I would highly recommend it. It's doing what is expected. No cramping or ill feelings at all. I'm over half way through and the first 'result' was in less than an hour. I ate lite the day before and started with strained chicken noodle soup, just the broth, and continued to drink coffee, no cream of any kind, tea, water, jello throughout the day. I'm surprised as I was fearing the worse and thought it would be just HORRIBLE.. but it's not at all... ooppss... gotta go.........................!

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I take Microgestin 3 months consecutively so I only get 4 periods per year. My periods had suddenly gotten so bad that I would get fevers every month, crippled in pain, couldn't keep down food/water, and I'd have to spend 3 days a month in the hospital.I was skeptical Microgestin would help, but it has truly changed my life! My periods instantly were shortened and lightened--maybe 3 days. Cramping is so minimal that I typically won't take anything for it at all (as opposed to needing IV drugs in the ER). No more fevers, no nausea, no more losing a week or more of my life each month being sick with horrible PMS gastrointestinal symptoms.I can't say enough how much I love this drug. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have found it. It's truly changed my life. You just have to stick it out through the first couple months until your periods are stable and go up on dosing if you start experiencing spotting. This is one of the lowest-dose BC pills around, so it may not be strong enough for all.

Really helped reduce endometriosis pain. No where near as bad side effects as expected. Very pleased!