Twynsta (amlodipine besylate; telmisartan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Twynsta (amlodipine besylate; telmisartan)

I have on and off mild body aches, pin pricks when cold, and mild anxiety...

These medications suck the life out of youAnyway, causes depression, sadness pain in the back

Brought bp down but having side effects like dizziness/lightheaded at times and back and abdominal pain. At times I feel awful.

I will stick with it a while longer as it does bring my bp down but at what cost?

TWYNSTA (AMLODIPINE BESYLATE; TELMISARTAN): This product is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: telmisartan and amlodipine. Telmisartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) and amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker. They both work differently to relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. These medications are used together when one drug is not controlling your blood pressure. Your doctor may direct you to start taking the individual medications first, and then switch you to this combination product if it is the best dose combination for you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I would not recommend this drug to my worst enemy. I tried it twice and both times was taken out of the work force. It is sneaky, you may not realize what has happened to you until it's too late. Be careful!

Due to the side effects my neurologist is in the process of taking me off of Topamax, I was on 100mg, and am down to 75mg. My migraines are back already. It has been the only drug that has worked and I am thinking of sticking with it regardless of the side effects...

Worked great at first! But then I would be getting up every 1 1/2 hr and take another one an not remember.Then all the crazy stuff started happening would get up and not remember eating, driving, sex, going to the neighbors. It's the scariest feeling not remembering that you did something.This drug should not be prescribed! I still can't sleep but I would rather it be that way then taking that crap!.

Extreme weakness, I could not get up after being on all 4s, or kneeling in church. Swelling in my legs & ankle so bad that if I pushed my finger against my skin it would not come back for a while. I get CT scans every year for kidney stones. After my last CT in 2011 I started Actos, 1 year later I was diagnosed with KIDNEY CANCER. To coincidental for me! Been off it for5 months & I have never felt so good. However My A1C is 7.2 up from 5.8. Seeing the Dr. in Jan 2013 to see where to go with different meds.

Took this medication for 3 years and I stopped taking it because of the cost and noticed within a week the acid reflux was gone. I had been taking 40mg of protonix twice a day and it did not even help. I had never had any problem in all my life, not even gas or burping. This was a horror!!

I experienced mild nausea for a few hours every day and sometimes in the middle of the night. I had nagging headaches for the first few days which didn't respond to Tylenol (before going on Loestrin I rarely ever had headaches but when I did, Tylenol worked fine). I noticed weight gain of half a pound per day- this scared me because my eating habits are very healthy and I wasn't doing anything any differently in terms of diet or exercise that would cause such weight gain. I also noticed very vivid dreams, and frequent waking at night. I felt "fragile" and close to tears every few days, the way I sometimes get during PMS time- except this was not that time of the month. Ick! I'm done!

After taking this medicine for exactly one month, I too experienced the significant change in my taste buds. For two weeks, everything I ate or drank tasted like salty motor oil. AWFUL!! These side effects eventually subsided and then I lost my sense of taste all together. Chocolate cake tasted the same as broccoli -- and it all tasted like cardboard. Again, AWFUL. All told, I lived in misery for 8 weeks without being able to enjoy food at all. After two months, my taste slowly began to return to normal. It's been ten weeks since I first experienced these horrible side effects. I am happy that I am now able to enjoy food again -- but only savory foods at this point. Desserts/sweets/sugar still taste awful -- and chocolate is the worst. I'm hopeful that I will be able to enjoy these foods again soon. I have lost a total of 11 pounds during this ordeal. I would gladly add back those 11 pounds and have fully functioning taste buds. The last two months of my life have been miserable. Weigh

It really helped regulate my periods. Before I started on it I never knew when my period was going to come. And my periods were also really heavy and really long with awful cramping, also I had problems with throwing up right around the time my period would start. Now that I am on Estrostep I still get some cramping but it is very manageable with a few Tylenol. No more puking either. I have gained about 5 pounds but I don't know if this is a result of the pill itself or the fact that I'm no longer throwing up 3 days out of every month. Occasionally I'll have spotting between periods but it's only about twice a year and doesn't last long so it's not too annoying. My doctor said Estrostep would help to clear up acne that I had on my back and shoulders but it really didn't. But overall Estrostep has been good for me at least and my periods are a lot more manageable now, and I'm also not pregnant!

Dry mouth, thirst, tiredness, a little foggy

A strange feeling that I am going to fall down and collapse...this made me try to stop it, however withdrawal sidefects are a nasty INSOMNIA - scary!