Tussicaps (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tussicaps (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex)

Side Effects fortussicaps (chlorpheniramine polistirex; hydrocodone polistirex) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I think this drug is fantastic. It has turned me back into the person I want to be. No more outbursts, better language, better mood, etc...

If it were not for the comments on here I'd swear this medication was a complete placebo. Was prescribed it several times as an alternative to Ativan and Xanax. Xanax worked ok but left me hungover, Ativan worked great. After a month I flushed these down the toilet and told my doctor I wanted the ativan back. I know it's hell to get off of, but at my age, who cares? I'll be on my 4 to 6 mg the rest of my life but if it works why try and get off. I'm not one of these people who feel taking pills is evil. They were made for a reason and if that's how I have to live my life, so be it. it beats panic and anxiety attacks. If Buspar works for you, I'm glad but I secretly think it's mostly sugar.

I usually take Ritalin to study for my tests because my ADHD is to the point where I literally can NOT be productive without taking some kind of stimulant. I don't take my meds all the time because I feel like they make me a different person. Although the Ritalin helps for finishing small amounts of work like a paper or worksheet, I take Vyvanse when I need to study for big exams, have especially strenuous days at school.I recommend considerable caution if considering to take this medicine, it can be quite useful at times, but as soon as the side effects kick in (which were in too great a number to list all of them) it's like all hell breaks loose and any plans I may have had I will immediately cancel and stay home to sit out the "comedown" from this medicine.A side note - I do have moderate ADHD and no other known medical conditions that would attribute to the side effects of this medicine.

Doctor gave me a free sample of Nasonex because my ear infection was causing my sinuses to swell up. The 4 days of taking nasonex was amongst the worst 4 days of my life.

i'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem with urination? i looked in the booklet that came with the cream and difficult urination is listed under "the less common" side effects, but nevertheless, i'm dealing with it. i have to strain terribly in order to pee. anyone else having this problem as a result of using this cream? please help.

Emotions drowned to near zero. I was noticably in a cloud similar to drunk 3 drinks to wind at work unable to decide or even care about disasters that occured durring this time.

50 mg losing its affectneeding 2 doses often\ new rx is for 100 mg

So I was on the brink of recovering from a mental health nightmare of depression and anxiety I just about had them both under control without medication. I then found out I had an sti so had to take this for a week i was fine at first but on day 5 I broke down in tears like cried everyday since with extreme depression like all I can think about is hurting myself I've felt depressed before but this has sent me back months I haven't felt like this for a long time! It's been 6 days since the 10th pill I had to go hospital yeaterday because I'm so depressed! On top of that because I didn't take them all I now have to take azithromycin next week! I am petrified I don't know what to do please somebody help me I'm in bed crying like a baby all day what do I do! They want me to take anti depressants and they're saying anti biotics wouldn't do this to me please email me I'm hopeless I feel so hopeless!

Fatigue,dry mouth,constipation,memory loss,insomnia,low libido,and weight gain. I struggle to wake up in the morning, after finally getting to sleep. I have fluctuating hormones too. I am struggling to learn new things.I'm back in college.

Headaches, dizziness, dry mouth