Trokendi xr (topiramate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trokendi xr (topiramate)

Extreme fatigue, brain fog, loss of orientation, confusion, weird hopelessness feeling, stuffed nose, feeling as if takes all of your energy to do basic tasks

Increased migranes fatigue horrible

Fatigue increased migranes, nausea

Diarrhea, mental fog, ADD, speech problems I know words I want to say but they come out completely different.

Weight loss, memory issues, blurred vision, hair loss

This med has been the only med to consistently keep my headaches away with my Chiari Malformation. I had surgery, was taking it before then, but was unable to come off the meds. The medicine before surgery was successful as well but I had headaches. This makes it where I rarely (if ever) have a headache. If I go down to a smaller dosage, I do. I hate the memory loss though. It's just enough to be annoying.

At first l noticed a loss of taste and appetite. This went away after 2-3 weeks. My neurologist had warned me of any possible side effects and he kept in touch with me. I was not to drive until l knew if would affect my ability to safely do so. I had no problem there. Many doctors had tried too help me over the course of 40 years. Finally one referred me to a wonderful neurologist. Again, beforehand he put me on trokendi xr he made sure l understood any possible risks or side effects. These were very mild and went away quickly

Taking trokendi xr has given me back a quality of life l thought l would never experience again. Overnight l went from a minimum of 15 migraines to maybe 1 a month. Trokendi xr may not be the answer for everyone but l would encourage everyone with chronic migraine not to give up. There IS help out there.

Vision changes, HORRIBLE pain in chest and feet. Made migraines worse. Could not eat anything, lost 20 pounds in a month ( usually that would be nice) ... but I lost muscle and brain function. Couldn't think. Couldn't sleep. Confused over everything. Tried reading my calendar and forgot how to figure out what day it was!!!!!!!!!! Scary scary drug.

Be careful, some people get side effects from this drug and they don't recover I've read! I tried it for a month, very scary!

I’ve had 20 / 20 vision my entire life until this medication. I only took it for a week! Now my vision is like looking thru a blur! Every light is a burst and I can’t read small writing any more. I’ve been off of it for a few months and I STILL am having vision issues :( DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!! Your eyesite will thank you.

Metalic taste in mouth, tingling, tired, foggy brain, weight loss, loss of appetite

Very mild side effects compared to topamax!

So happy with the difference in this compared to the topamax. The side effects of wackiness, forgetfulness, etc. have all calmed down since switching to the Trokendi. On the topomax I had anxiety, emotional ups and downs, fatigue, sleepiness, never did have the tingles though. All of these things went away with the Trokendi. Also, surprisinglly, my constant neck pain from stenosis is so much better! I never thought to attribute it to the Trokendi until I read a few posts that some were actually prescribed it for that reason, and a few others commented that their neck pain was improved. That alone is worth it to me, but it has also greatly improved my migraine issue, which is ophthalmic nerve. Botox shots take care of the supraorbital and occipital ,migraine pain, but have never touched the severe ophthalmic trigeminal nerve pain in my left orbit. The Trokendi has reduced those flare-ups to 3-4 a month instead of 3-4 a week. My enthusiasm however is diminished however every time I have to deal with that DADBERN adult=proof packaging!!! It is the most frustrating packaging I have EVER had to open - even the newer ones. You would think they do NOT want you to ever get into it. I have to use scissers and have cut many capsules, which ruins them basically. Why the heck can't they just put them in a bottle???!!! There is no way if my arthritis progresses I will ever be able to get into this packaging. I will rate this down a point simply because of the most frustrating packaging

Nothing I ate tastes the same, I felt like I was a walking zombie. I couldn't hold my hands up to do my hair, hold them up in the shower it was tiring to do anything. I couldn't climb stairs, forgot simple things, loss of hair in shower, tingling in my hands feet,

I do like that it does help with my migraines but the side effects are terrible. Esp feeling like I'm unfunctionable all day. It's not that I'm tired it's a zombie like feeling it's like a tiresome feeling like holding your arms up for long period of time but your actually not and climbing stairs takes all energy out of you. And all food not tasting the same ESP soda

Pain to the bottom of my heels> I do not have foot issues.

I took topiramate and Topamax for over 3 years only trokendi helped me with my migraines with no side effects. ( maybe there was no side effect because my body was so use to this drug in form of Topamax ot topiramate ) but only trokendi gave me headache free.

Clenching teeth/grinding teeth overnight.Fatigue/spaced out sensation.

I'd preference brand name topomax or topirimate. Less side effects in my case.I've been taking the non XR version since 2006.

TROKENDI XR (TOPIRAMATE): Topiramate is used alone or with other medications to prevent and control seizures (epilepsy). It is also used to prevent migraine headaches. Topiramate belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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sleepyness, nosebleeds, blurry vision

As far as I am concerned, I would not touch this medication with a ten foot pole again. My neurologist was surprised it had been prescribed, didn't think it was used at all anymore due to it's high side effects profile. He advised me to discontinue use, called this medication downright scary, as there is no predicting how a person will react to niacin in such large dosage. It can work for some and be very dangerous for others.

Exhaustion and shortness of breath limiting my activities, painful bloated feeling under ribcage, muscle cramps in flanks and neck.

crazy increased libido, sweating, vivid dreams

After being called "the-girl in a bubble" from such a young age, I've tried everything that hit the market and nothing ever worked. So the doctors gave instructions for me to stay inside, wear long sleeve shirts and long pants in the spring and summer because I was even absorbing pollen through my pores. But in my teenage years, I was introduced to Allegra and Allegra-D, and it has changed my entire life. I can function without the sneezing, itching nose and throat, my eyes don't swell up to the point that I can't open them. Allegra has changed my life. Even every now and then I try new products because Allegra is so expensive, they either don't work, or they do work but it knocks me out for about 6 hours until the pill wears off.

I took evista for 5 years without side effects. My Dr switched me to Fosimax and i had bad side effects so i went back to evista and the pain began. Joint, muscle and bone pain along with leg cramps and swelling. Really awlful. I've quit evista now i just want someone to tell me there is hope that the pain will subside. Its been two weeks and the night pain is terrible. Is there hope?

I never experienced being tired nor nervous the whole time I took Allegra.