Triprolidine hcl, pseudoephedrine hcl and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; triprolidine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Triprolidine hcl, pseudoephedrine hcl and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; triprolidine hydrochloride)

Side Effects fortriprolidine hcl, pseudoephedrine hcl and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; triprolidine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

This medication was great when I was breastfeeding. I didn't notice a difference in the amount of milk I produced. There were no negative side effects. I took this birth control after the birth of my first son and then again after the birth of my second son. I nursed each for a little over a year. Once I stopped nursing I could no longer take it because I had almost continous break through bleeding. When on the combo pill I usually get migraines, with this pill I would get occasional headaches, but nothing severe.

I was on loestrin fe 1.5/30 for 12 years to control a cyst that made my periods heavy and irregular. My doctor retired and my new OB thought at 43 and because I take 5m norvasc for hereditary HBP I should switch to the low dose loestrin 1/20. I had my doubts as my other OB said the loestrin 1.5 would be consistant with keeping the cyst away my periods regulated and he said that the lower dose often doesn't help cysts and that I might have spotting issues too. Well 9 months later I still have spotting and now pain I suspect the cyst is back. This dose makes me crave sweets which I don't eat I am vegan so I control my weight just fine. I'm very moody and thank god my family has been understanding. I was never moody on the higher dose so I will be switching back to loestrin fe 1.5

Constant nausea and dizziness. Missed more days of work while taking it than I did in the last 5 years. Symptoms are constant and harsh even after stopping. Waiting for them to go away.

nexium was ok for my reflux but not for the other side effectsi wasnt aware of the side effects until i read this site but could not work out why i had deteriorated rapidly in the past few i have an answer....

OMG! This helped me quit smoking within 2 weeks of taking it, I didn't want cigarettes Because they tasted like raw fish! I take way more than the recommended dose... I've been on Ritalin for 10 yrs and now all i take is wellbutrin! I think that's wy my tolerance is extremely high. My Dr. went from 150mg 1st wk, than up to 300mg than about beginning of 2nd month up to 450mg, now I'm at 600mg a day!! Sounds crazy right?. I gotta start getting my kidneys checked monthly though....... BUT I've never felt better! I want to sleep at night, and wake up in the morning, I'm way more social, lost weight, quit smoking.... and NO stimulant drug like Ritalin, or adderall. I'm EXTREMELY happy and excited about this drug WORKING SO WELL! I never thought life would be this fun again.... Kudos to the makers....!!!!

This has been a life saver for me. Even though I am addicted at present, (been taking it for almost 5 months) I am bound and determined to be off of it by years end. I have NOT followed the program or I would have been off of it by now, however it has been a great tool to stop smoking. I am cutting it back slowly, and it is down by a third now...Only chewing 10 pieces per day now, vs. the 15 to 20 I was chewing 4 to 5 months ago.Also keep in mind that I was a 40 yr smoker @ 2 packs a day.

Beginning side effects; high anxiety, hallucinations, stuttering, immediate forgetfulness. After short adjustment period; dry mouth sometimes, blurry vision sometimes, if taken on an empty stomach: see beginning side effects.

AAnnhh worked, but didn't like the way I felt in the morning.

Slight sore throat. Weird "paint thinner" like smell and taste.

I am not on any other medication and told doc I did not want pain medicine. She insisted I have something so when the pain got bad enough I would have something to take the edge off. Assured me was not pain meds but acted as an anti-inflammatory. Did not take this for 2 days concurrent. First day I took it I went from sunny and cheerful, my normal disposition to angry for no reason. I was very alarming but I just shrugged it off. Second time I took it I experienced extreme anger and rage and every small thing got on my nerves. I have never taken again and have never experienced this again. I will take aleve from here on out.