Trimeth/sulfa (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trimeth/sulfa (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim)

Took this drug twice, the first time I experienced diarrhea anytime I ate chocolate and ended up with yeast infections all the time. The second time I took it I didn't have the diarrhea but ended up with a horrible yeast infection again that refused to go away.

This drug works wonders for my skin, it clears it up really fast without drying it. Overall I was very happy with how it made my skin look but I can't live with continuous yeast infections. I already seem to be very prone to them, maybe that's why I get them with this drug, but whenever I take this I can't seem to get rid of the infection as easily as normal. I would recommend it to others who suffer from acne (this is the only thing that actually works that good for me) but women who take it need to make sure that they are very careful in regards to the infections.

Side Effects fortrimeth/sulfa (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) - User Comments


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The gel was more convenient for me because it didn't cause the side effects the pill did but I'm second guessing the gel now as well.

It didn't help me much with my neck pain but got rid of my tension headaches.

endometriosis, extreme bleeding

Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Anxiousness.

I guess this works for some people but for me it didnt, your problems are still there after you finish taking it so you still have to sort them out.Was also told by doctor that prozac had little side effects and wish I found this site before starting them, my advice is to carefully consider if you really need them before taking them.A good family helped me overcome more than my tablets ever did.

sinus congestion/partial occlusion

slightly high feeling for awhile, then increased urination (especialy at night).