Trilyte (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trilyte (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride)

Bloating, abdominal fullness, slight nausea, some chills

I got a rx for Zofran to help with the nausea that this solution can cause, it helped a great deal. Adding lime and lemon juice to each glass and then pouring 2 oz. in a small cup, really helped in drinking this solution. In addition, I ate a lemon drop after each glass, this was very helpful. Just drink one glass at a time. It is not that bad.

Side Effects fortrilyte (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride) - User Comments


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i've found it to be pretty good, my sex drive actually seems to have increased and i've lost weight. my appetite isn't as big as it was. i am suffering from a little insomnia but not too bad, otherwise i feel great. my last pill dropped my libido and for some reason i now think about sex a lot more and want it a lot more. i have to say, i got a fright when i saw all the horror stories about yasmin but to be honest i havent noticed much of those side effects. i still havent got my period though and am now started my second pack.

I am morbidly obese over 50 and losing to the battle of the bulge. Taking Didres late in the evening may prevent you from getting a good nights sleep.

So far it seems to be helping and I’ll continue for another week or two, but terrified of side effects coming on. Been on many other meds. Hopeful!

excessive irritability, loss of concentration, zombie-like state, general stupid feeling, poor memory function, general foggy daze, excessive unrestful sleep - in other words why bother logging 8-9 hours when you wake up and feel like you need to go back to bed. take this and you will feel like a P.O.S all day. Get used to the affects of this drug and become a P.O.S. This drug hammpers quality daily life. I was more alert smoking bongs all day when i was in college. This drug is bad! Look for alternatives.

After careful research,I decided that meridia would be good for me in the long run. I am at far greater risk of health complications (diabetes, heart disease, etc) if I stay obese. I plan to stay on it for 6 months.

Horrible!!! Inmediatamente me lo puse, empecé a tener un picor y ardor extremo!

It absolutely kept my voice great and nasal drip non-existent. Very rarely caught a cold. Unfortunately, I've got to discontinue use now and work to restore my bones.

I took this medication after my loratadine did not work for my fall allergies. They have been bad this year and I needed to look for something new after not being able to control a persistent hacking cough for over three weeks.Right away I noticed this medication made me tired. Not unexpected and for the relief I needed I could deal with that. Then I noticed my mouth and eyes became extremely dry. Since it helped to dry up some of my congestion and seemed to offer me some relief, I thought "I can deal". I am a very active person and exercise (cardio, weights, biking and running) regularly and I noticed that the mouth dryness became pretty intense during exercise, no matter how much water I drank (and I usually have 64 ounces of water or more pre exercise). It felt like I had a dry sponge in my mouth. On top of that, when I was active I noticed I needed to take frequent breaks to catch my breath and to help the feeling that my heart was going to thump out of my chest subside. I felt winded even walking up stairs. No thank you to all of that! Plus, I quickly noticed that when I tried to sleep my legs felt restless and my sleep quality was poor. All of these things are very unlike me. I went off the Zyrtec-D three days ago and onto a natural allergy relief product and already feel a world better! I know my body well and just over a week of Zyertec-D was enough for my to know this OTC medication has serious side effects that may not be desirable.

Do NOT drink with the med and if you do limit your alcohol consumption. I ended up with no tolerance to alcohol.I also had no idea this is why my anxiety increased to an unmanageable level.It's been 3 days since being off and while my head is clearing I've gained 5lbs.

I take diazepam for insomnia. It works because this medication makes me very sleepy. If I don't give myself at least 7 hours to sleep, it can be very difficult to wake up in the morning.