Tricor (fenofibrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tricor (fenofibrate)

buring sensation from my hip bone to my shin bone. stop taking it 1 yr ago. now the same pain plus my calf leg swells at the end of the day. so uncomfortable for me. going to get an xray on my leg.

just makes me wonder about this pill. have had no problem till I started this pill. took myself off and still having side effects

acute pancreatitis, high liver and kidney enzymes, weight gain, vomiting

I took this drug for 4 years along with a statin, and had no side effects, but then I suddenly had intense stomach pain and vomiting. my blood test showed my lipase (pancrease enzyme) was at 7000, should be 400. I had acute pancreatitis. The docs said it was from alcohol, so I quit drinking immediately. one month later I was back at the ER. Again I had pancreatitis, I told the docs I quit drinking, but they didn't believe me. 4 months later I was back in the ER with pancreatitis. This time I went to a different hospital. The doc took me off all my heart meds. Since then I have lost weight and feel much better with no more stomach pain. After looking up Tricor, I found it can cause pancreatitis. IF YOU HAVE JUST STARTED TRICOR, BE CAREFUL! SIDE EFFECTS CAN START ANYTIME - EVEN AFTER YEARS OF TAKING IT!! I am trying to sue for damages

Flu like symptoms, extreme fatigue, sore tight muscles, insomnia, severe agitation, jittery feeling, pain in my hands and swelling in my feet.

By the second day the symptoms began and didn't let up. I have changed my diet and exercise regularly. I am going to try the natural way first before going back to medication. I have a doctors appointment in 3 days and will bring this to his attention. The side effects are horrible, maybe I can try something else if the lifestyle change doesn't help.

severe muscle pain in my legs.

I took tricor for two years. It caused severe pain in my legs and my lower back. After visiting four specialists; three MRI, two EMG's and whole series of blood test for various disease that can cause inflamation and hundreds of dollars in prescription medications, co-pays etc....Thanks to others who posted their experience with Tricor on this website, I stopped taking my medication and within one week I started feeling better. Now one month has passed and I am almost back to normal. If you are taking Tricor and are experiencing pain, stop your medication and seek an alternative for lowering your Triglyceride.

High triglycerides, cholesterol

Extreme fatigue, legs feel weak, hips hurt, no energy

I feel like I barely have enough energy to get up in the mornings. Legs feel like rubber. Bad history with statins...was kept on various meds while complaining of severe hip pain. Evidently no one connected that to joint pain and I continued taking the meds until I researched it myself and dc'd it Stopped taking TRICOR today!

We all know how painful a charlie horse is. Now imagine that pain in your legs, neck, ribs,(especially ribs) arms and every where else imagineable. Sitting, standing, or lying down I have cramps. Add having to be on your feet all day at work and you're really talking pain.

I went to my doctor about this pain because it was disrupting my home life as well as interfering with my job. I had body scans, blood tests, (more than $600.00 worth) ultra sounds and was even sent to a specialist and just two days ago she decides to take me off of Tricor. When I looked this drug up I was shocked and furious to see this site. Why wasn't this done in the first place? Now I have to wonder if this will be a permant problem or if it will cause permant damage. I was also told I have an accelerated heart rate. Is this also a symptom?

Joint pains especially in the wrist joints... and in general weakness.

TRICOR (FENOFIBRATE): Fenofibrate is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It works by increasing the natural substance (enzyme) that breaks down fats in the blood. Fenofibrate belongs to a group of drugs known as "fibrates." Lowering triglycerides in people with very high triglyceride blood levels may decrease the risk of pancreas disease (pancreatitis). However, fenofibrate might not lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of fenofibrate. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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so far little change, slightly better today. seems better than zoloft, cymbalta, prozac, remeron, imaprine, sinequan, ...

Insertion was painful and I had heavy cramping and bleeding for about 1 week. Then I went back to normal periods that faded away to nothing after about a year. My husband complained about being poked every once in a while but we decided it was worth the convenience. About 18 months I began cycles of feeling very bloated and tender in my lower abdomen. No periods though. I started gaining weight and am still gaining (up 15 pounds) despite heavy exercise and dieting.

Highly addictive. Tolerance builds after only a week and then you are hooked for life. The drug causes severe dependence and permanent brain damage. Its been proven benzodiazepines cause permanent cognitive impairment (lower your IQ) and have been linked to a dramatically increased risk of alzheimers disease (X5). They have also been linked to cancer.

Joint aches, bone density, heart

This is really cool drug I have been on this for nearly 3 weeks and when I started I was 12stone 13lb and I am now 12stone 3 lbs so I have lost a few pounds quite chuffed.I don't eat that much oily food and take it 3 times a day I drink lots of water and I also go kick boxing 2 times a week so this is also helping me to lose weight.

Hands pain, severe foot pain, dizziness, blurry vision. Ankle pain and dry skin

Still unsure if it's working. Haven't noticed any improvement in my mood...still very depressed.

Nothing serious. All passed within a couple of weeks

Would give this a 5 since it has worked great for the burning in right foot, neck pain, restless arm and itchiness in left arm following a bleed from a CM in my spinal cord, but over the past month or so I started having some speech issues(slurred) and loss of words and alertness..confusion..weaning myself off to 300 twice a doc wanted to try Cymbalta, but I'm apprehensive to try it due to the bad reviews, so I'm hoping that taking just 300mg will do the trick. I can't deal with the speech issues and loss of words any longer otherwise I would stay on this gave me my life back.

Terrible headaches nonstop for days, nausea and heart beat insomnia