Tri-sprintec (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tri-sprintec (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

ALWAYS HUNGRY, doesn't help with my acne

well I'm 14 years old and my pediatrician recommended this birth control for me for my acne, this is my 3rd week on it and lets just say its horrible. I've gained 4 pounds so far and I'm constantly hungry. also not to mention i have a formal to attend and i can't go if i continue gaining weight.......

TRI-SPRINTEC (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORGESTIMATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin and an estrogen. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

If your doctor prescribe you this medication you should take it but once you start feeling this side effects tell your doctor. It could be the Medication or you have something else.

I do not like this drug at all. I am calling the dr. today to switch to Amoxicillan. I started a new job last week and have now missed 3 and a half days and I am guessing this morning, will be fired over it. I have been eating as it indicated to do so right after, but still have never felt this bad from taking medicine.

I am a wreck!! I started taking Boniva 5 months ago. As the months passed, I began with one symptom, then another. At first, you don't think about a side-effect of medication. This is a very sly, ugly invades your body and creeps up on a bad storm. During these past five months I kept wondering what was going on with me...what was wrong...I felt terrible...seemed like one thing and another...having to call off sick from my job. I have felt utterly miserable with fatigue, joint pain, chest heaviness, flu-like symptoms, pains here, pains there!! It has been frightening and terribly concerning...and definitely debilitating!!! As I have read other patient reviews I have to ask the medical profession and the FDA.....WHY is this medication being prescribed and still on the market?? There are profound and long-term side effects from women of all ages. It is time someone needs to listen....and ACT!! This has just about ruined my health and now may have to retire, because I cannot continue to work and feel this addition it makes me appear as an unreliable employee. I am angry, frustrated and looking for answers. Now what?? Nothing to reverse the severe, daily trauma....just another symptom lurking to throw your life into a continued spiral of poor health. There should be a class action law suit against the distribution of this medication!!

On the second and third nights after starting the med had vivid dreams that woke me up and was a bit startled. Never experienced this prior. I write this ahead of my fourth night on Keflex. It does appear to be working as the sinus infection and constant forehead pressure and headache have subsided.

for several years was diagnosed with severe depression (296.33) and was prescribed anti-depressants (including Wellbutrin 300mg and Lexapro 40mg daily); these medications worsened my conditions until bipolar II diagnosis was reached. psych prescribed lithium in place of anti-depressants; started with 300mg and increased to 1200mg. conditions improving, but still struggling. taking buspar (40mg) and lamotrigine (150mg) in addition to lithium.

Extreme itchiness including eyes, inside ears, inside nose, down throat and all over skin. No rash. No hives. Itching stopped with discontinuing medication. Medication was starting to improve mood.

Amnesia and confusion. I suddenly became aware I was driving on the wrong side of the median on a narrow road. I could not remember how i came to be there. I had lost about three minutes or four minutes of time.

This is my 2nd time taking Provera and I'm on day 4. I'm having small hotflashes and crazy vivid dreams. The last time I used provera I took the same amount 10mg for 10days and started my period 3 days later and it was a very heavy nasty period that lasted 12 days (the last 2 days were mild spotting). Not to be gross but I had to wear both a tampon and a pad at the same time b/c it was so heavy. I'm dreading going through that again but my body needs it b/c I dont ovulate regularly.

I didnt have any of the other side effects people talk about. Works very well for depression (for me).

Have had GH for 20 years but with such infrequent outbreaks that it wasn't even diagnosed until a year ago. Now I get so many outbreaks that they overlap. I think it's due to stress. Valtrex has not cut down on the number of outbreaks, only the severity. I no longer get shooting pains down legs and only get a bad lesion every four months or so. I take 1 gram per day as suppression therapy. Am considering stopping just to see what would happen as the number of outbreaks continues to be high, and would love to get rid of the itching! I started taking 1500 gm Lysine per day, plus vitamin C, E and D, and Lysine in particular has helped with number of outbreaks. I wonder if it would help with severity as well. I actually get a one or two day break in between!!