Tri lo sprintec (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tri lo sprintec (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

Acne is worse than ever and it hasn’t improved periods. Really only good if you just wanna prevent pregnancy.

Birth control and fibroid tumors

Bleeding all the time and horrible cramps

Side Effects fortri lo sprintec (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) - User Comments


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Ok, I'm really pissed about this. I finally got off my ass when my friends started joking about the thinning spot on the crown of my head and started using Rogaine every morning. After two weeks I started having strange chest pains. Then a couple of days ago I had a full on panic attack on a Saturday morning while I was at a coffee shop a couple blocks from my house. I thought I had just over caffeinated myself and stuck to chamomile for a few days. Then I had another milder panic attack yesterday and have been having these weird "zinging" feelings in my chest and side. Mind you I am not a health nut but the only other time I have felt like this was when I took Wellbutrin. I really don't want to go bald but I can't keep having these panic attacks, I feel like I'm going to die while it's happening and if it happens at work I don't know how I will manage to cope. I'm wondering if anyone else who had panic attack and/or heart palpitations got them with other medications as well?

Early stages; Insomnia, Naseau, Vomiting, Constipation-dry stool, Kills sexual libido&impotence. Long Term; Insomnia, Constipation-dry stool, head aches, No sexual libido&impotence, Always hot-night sweats, Memory loss.

Ive tried one other pill and Loestrin is by far the better of the two. The other one caused mood swings,heavy bleeding and violent stomach aches around the time of my period but no such symtoms with this one and compared to the other I can handle the odd occasional head or stomach ache.

I had the usual effects during the first week. Smoke started to taste horrible. I never experienced insomnia, however I found myself waking at odd times (4 in the morning) being really confused at what time it was. After I upped it to 2 pills a day, I became easilly agitated. I found that if I wasn't busy doing something specific, I would zone out for long periods. I was very numb emotionally.

extreme chronic long-term insomnia

BC, Acne, Cramps, period regulation

ANXIETY!!!, insomnia, nervousness, confusion, thoughts of self harm

Started taking this drug for RLS. Worked fine with mild side effects (nausea/fatigue), Slowly had to increase dose due to symptom bleed-through over time. Augmentation not fun. Quit cold turkey (also not fun) to try various naturopathic therapies. Went on Mirapex after six months of being a zombie from no sleep. Experiencing same (without augmentation) on Mirapex. See my post, same header, under Mirapex.Go to for help with RLS/WED...

Do not take this. Ever. Especially if you have an MTHFR or CYP mutation, health issues, or take any other medication.

have developed a stomach ulcer after taking the medication (500 mg)almost daily for a few months, first for a foot injury and then for severe headaches. I ended up at the ER because I was having chest pains and was told the pains were related to a possible development of a stomach ulcer. I was told to stop taking Advil immediately. I probably wouldn't trust it to take it again.